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Black Friday and Cyber Monday Email Marketing Strategies Made Easy

Looking to make the most of your Black Friday and Cyber Monday email campaigns? Maybe it's time to refine your marketing strategy. Read along. ...

So, you’re a business owner or an email marketer looking to boost your sales during the upcoming holiday season. You have great products, and you have put in a lot of effort to attract customers in the past. 

  • The results are nowhere near your target. 
  • No surge in visitors during the holiday season. 
  • And unfortunately, you haven’t garnered enough sales. 

But this year, Black Friday and Cyber Monday (BFCM) are going to be different for your business. 

This year, you will fix a crucial aspect of your holiday sales – your email marketing strategy. 

To achieve unprecedented sales during BFCM, you need an email campaign you can rely on. 

  • A Cyber Monday strategy that can engage and convert your audience. 
  • A Black Friday marketing strategy that is efficient and effective. 

And email marketing can help you achieve that by living up to your expectations. 

But that puts forth another challenge: How can you leverage email marketing to its full potential during Black Friday and Cyber Monday? 

At Mavlers, we have a team of 150+ email experts with expertise in over 50+ email service providers. We have deployed over 250 experts as dedicated resources to work as a part of their team, albeit remotely. And guess what? The accuracy rate at which our experts manage campaigns is a splendid 99.98%. 

If you’re excited to make the most of BFCM this year, here is the Table of Contents we need to go through: 

Why Email Marketing is Crucial for Black Friday and Cyber Monday? 

Prepping Your BFCM Email Marketing Strategy for Success 

Creating the Perfect Black Friday and Cyber Monday Emails 

Essential Black Friday and Cyber Monday Email Campaigns 

Optimizing Your BFCM Email Campaigns for Instant Success 

Pro Tips for Standing Out in the Inbox During BFCM

By the end of this blog, you will have all the necessary information to create an effective email marketing strategy for BFCM. Let’s dive right into the importance of BFCM, the role of email marketing, and the impact of well-executed email campaigns. 

Why Email Marketing is Crucial for Black Friday and Cyber Monday? 

Email marketing is the most cost-effective marketing solution. It allows businesses to connect directly with their customers. You can engage with your subscribers, send them product recommendations, or even give them early access to your upcoming sales. It all depends on you. 

For example, your subscribers will be looking to purchase online during special occasions like Black Friday and Cyber Monday. All you have to do is show up with your products or services in their inboxes at the right time. 

Emails can be more targeted and personalized. Emails can serve different purposes depending on the audience and occasion on which they are sent. For example, emails can create urgency and scarcity simultaneously (using countdown timers). 

The numbers below prove our stance. 

According to a report by the Data & Marketing Association (DMA), 

  • The average ROI on every $1 spent on email marketing is $36. 
  • Segmented campaigns can lead to a 760% increase in revenue. 

In another report by Tech Crunch, 

  • Black Friday racked up over $5 billion in sales in 2020. Out of these, 40% came through mobile phones. 

And the number is only expected to soar higher this year. 

Email marketing for Black Friday and Cyber Monday is a perfect way to curate emails to drive traffic to your website and generate revenue. 

Now, let’s prepare for the upcoming BFCM with a marketing strategy that guarantees success. 

Prepping Your BFCM Email Marketing Strategy for Success 

Here is a step-by-step guide to a 4-stage plan for your BFCM email marketing strategy. 

1. Start planning early. Don’t wait for the last moment. 

Ideally, you should start planning in early October so that you can test and optimize your email content. This will also help you identify your campaign’s issues, and you’ll have ample time to make adjustments and fix them. 

You can also send teaser campaigns to build anticipation. Or exclusive emails to your special subscribers (those who have made high purchases from your business) to reward their loyalty and keep the buzz around what’s coming. 

2. Segment your audience for targeting and personalization. 

You can divide your audience into different lists based on demographics like age, gender, location, etc. Segregate on the basis of their buying behavior and interests as well. 

You can also create unique lists of inactive subscribers, VIP customers (with high-ticket purchases on your website), and most recent buyers. This will help you send relevant, personalized, and targeted emails to relevant audiences. 

3. Set clear objectives for your Cyber Monday and Black Friday marketing campaigns. 

Your expectations from your Black Friday and Cyber Monday advertising campaigns should be clear. These holidays are all about sales, so don’t ask users to click on random links in your emails, which can confuse them. Talk about the sale and take them to the correct landing page.

One campaign should be centered around one objective – boost sales, engagement, or traffic on your website. You choose. 

4. Craft an irresistible offer for your BFCM strategy. 

Then comes the offer you throw at your subscribers. Make it attractive and also sustainable for your business. The discounts offered should be feasible and help you maintain a chunk of profitability. 

For example, if you are offering free shipping, it can become an instant hit among hesitant buyers. 

Now, let’s get down to creating perfect emails that work wonders for our Black Friday and Cyber Monday marketing strategies

Tips to Create the Perfect Black Friday and Cyber Monday Emails 

To create compelling Black Friday and Cyber Monday emails, you need to tick the following 4 crucial points. 

  1. Design high-converting email templates for ease of use. Responsive emails are a must. Try using a single-column layout to optimize for smartphones. 
  2. Write persuasive email copy to convince your readers. Your message should be clear and concise. 
  3. Send your emails to the right person at the right time to make maximum impact. Your teaser emails should land 1-2 weeks before. And on D-day, send early morning emails to catch early shoppers. 
  4. Use dynamic elements or create drip campaigns to personalize your emails based on the user’s input. This is the best way to recommend products or services based on their purchase history. 

Now is the time to take a look at some of the handpicked Black Friday and Cyber Monday ideas

Essential Black Friday and Cyber Monday Email Campaigns 

Here are four types of emails you should send to your prospects when it comes to Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales

1. Teaser Emails

This email example shows the whole plan of action for Black Friday, and you can do the same with your Cyber Monday campaign. 

It includes early access sales, giveaways of freebies, offers users can avail on the day of the sale, and more. It can’t get any better than this. It wilt keep your subscribers hooked and wait for the sale to arrive soon. 


2. VIP-Only Early Access Emails

This email example is perfectly crafted for your top customers. All you have to do is create a segmented list of the VIPs in your email lists. It not only allows early access to VIPs but also offers hefty discounts of up to 60% on products included in the email. 


3. Last-Minute Deal Emails

This email example has a curated list of last-minute offers for procrastinators and last-minute buyers. It offers sense of urgency and shows that they will miss this once in a year offer if they fail to make a buying decision. You can highlight the time-bound offers using a timer that conveys when the sale ends. 


4. Post-Sale Emails

This email example is a perfect demonstration of showing appreciation for purchase and upselling. A thank you note along with a coupon code for the next purchase or a list of recommended products that go along with the product they bought can be an instant hit. You can also offer the buyer the chance to join your loyalty program, where they get brownie points for every purchase. 


Now that you have learned about crafting compelling emails for your Black Friday marketing strategy, it’s time to learn how to optimize them to ensure the maximum success rate. 

Optimizing Your BFCM Email Campaigns for Instant Success 

Here are the best practices to help you optimize your Black Friday and Cyber Monday marketing emails. 

  • Use A/B testing to continuously improve your emails and find what works best for what kind of audience. 
  • Try using different subject lines and play with the graphics and dynamic elements. 
  • Ensure that you avoid spam traps and improve your email deliverability so that it lands directly in your audience’s inboxes. 
  • Having a good sender reputation and refining your email lists will help. 
  • Lastly, track key metrics like open rate, click-through rate, conversion rate, etc., to analyze the performance of your email campaigns. Use this data to optimize your existing email campaigns and create better ones next time. 

Bonus Tips for Standing Out in the Inbox During BFCM 

Here are a few extra tips to help you become the go-to choice during this BFCM holiday season. 

  • Your subject line should be personalized and have an urgency to drive more email opens. 
  • Try using dynamic elements like countdown timers, GIFs, polls, and quizzes to boost email engagement. 
  • Don’t forget to use customer testimonials, reviews, and user-generated content as social proof in your emails. 

Pro Tip: How do you retain customers and build a loyal community? 

There are two ways to do it. 

  • To encourage repeat business, you can send post-purchase emails recommending related products or services (cross-selling). You can also offer loyalty programs or discounts on their next purchase. 
  • You can run re-engagement campaigns to bring back inactive customers by offering them personalized incentives and offers. 

Key Takeaways 

The earlier you start your Black Friday and Cyber Monday email campaign preps, the greater your chances of tasting success will be. The reason is that people are already planning the gifts they are purchasing for themselves and their loved ones. 

So, if you create a well-crafted campaign that stands out even in crowded inboxes, you can bet your chance at driving significant sales during this holiday season. 

If you start early, you will have all the time to test and optimize your emails and create an unbeatable email marketing strategy. 

Related Articles You May Find Useful 

The Ultimate Holiday Ad Playbook: How to Boost Sales and Spread Cheer 

5 Surefire Paid Advertising Strategies to Beat the Competition this Holiday Season 

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Ahmad Jamal - Content Writer

Ahmad works as a content writer at Mavlers. He’s a computer engineer obsessed with his time, a football enthusiast with an MBA in Marketing, and a poet who fancies being a stage artist. Entrepreneurship, startups, and branding are his only love interests.

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