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Gutenberg editor for wordpress

The Future of Web Design: Why Gutenberg Editor is Here to Stay

Do you think the Gutenberg Editor is here to stay? Read on to see what the block editor entails. ...

So, you are a web developer hired by a business or brand to build a customizable, future-proof, and easily editable website without breaking the design or endlessly struggling with code. 

You know that the Classic editor or page builders like Elementor and Divi might not make the cut and present certain challenges. 

However, as you dig deeper into WordPress’s offerings, you come across a promising contender. 

Introduced in WordPress 5.0, the Gutenberg editor, named after Johannes Gutenberg, the printing press inventor, aims to revolutionize content creation in WordPress. It does so by replacing the classic TinyMCE editor with a more intuitive, block-based approach that is designed for ease of use.

Replete with full site editing capabilities and block themes built using Gutenberg’s blocks, it is the latest buzz in the tech town!

You want to know what the future of website development looks like with this bad boy on the “block” (pun quite intended! 😉 ), and we at Mavlers are going to help you decode just that!

With 12+ years of experience and 5000+ successfully delivered WordPress projects, we asked our in-house WordPress experts to reveal how Gutenberg editor or WordPress will change the face and future of web development. 

In today’s blog, we aim to provide you with clear and comprehensive insights on:

Let’s begin exploring, shall we?

Understanding the basics of Gutenberg block editor

Let’s begin with answering the basic question, “What is Gutenberg block editor?”.

In simple terms, the Gutenberg Editor is block-based. Every piece of content you add to a page or post is treated as a separate “block.”

Each block can be independently edited, moved, and styled. This approach allows users to easily build complex layouts and designs without needing to know any code.

Features of gutenberg block editor

Let’s now explore some of the key features of Gutenberg editor for wordpress.

1. Block-based structure:

  • Gutenberg’s core idea is the use of “blocks.” Each piece of content you add, whether it’s a paragraph, image, video, or quote, is a block. These blocks can be easily added, rearranged, and customized, making content creation more intuitive and flexible.
  • It has many predefined blocks, such as text, headings, images, galleries, lists, buttons, and more. This makes creating diverse and rich content easy without writing any code.

2. Reusable blocks:

  • Save and reuse: You can create and save custom blocks for later use. This is particularly useful for content you frequently add, like call-to-action sections or custom-designed quotes. Once saved, these reusable blocks can be added to any post or page, saving time and ensuring consistency.

3. Customization options:

  • Block settings: Each block has its own settings and customization options. You can adjust things like font size, color, background, alignment, and more directly from the editor, giving you more control over the appearance of your content.
  • Advanced layouts: Gutenberg allows you to create complex layouts with columns, cover images, and full-width content. This helps design visually appealing pages without relying heavily on custom code or additional plugins.

4. Improved visual editing:

  • Real-time editing: What you see in the editor closely matches what your visitors will see on the live site. This WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) approach helps you visualize the final output as you build your content.
  • Drag and drop: Blocks can be moved around easily using drag and drop, allowing for quick reorganization of content without having to cut and paste.

5. Enhanced media handling:

  • Media integration: Adding images, videos, and other media is straightforward. You can upload files directly, insert them from your media library, or even embed content from external sources like YouTube and Twitter.
  • Image editing: Basic image editing options like cropping, resizing, and alignment are available directly within the block editor, simplifying the process of preparing media for your posts.

6. Mobile responsiveness:

  • Responsive design: Blocks are designed to be responsive by default, meaning they adapt well to different screen sizes. This ensures your content looks good on desktops, tablets, and smartphones without extra effort.

7. Third-party block plugins:

  • Many developers have created additional blocks that can be installed as plugins. These add even more functionality to Gutenberg, from advanced galleries and sliders to custom forms and interactive elements.

Here’s a quick comparison between the Classic editor and the Gutenberg editor for WordPress.

Benefits of using the Gutenberg editor

There are solid reasons and a plethora of varied benefits to using the Gutenberg editor for WordPress. 

Here are some of them that offer a glimpse into the future of web development.

Benefits of gutenberg editor

1. User-friendly interface

One of the primary reasons the Gutenberg Editor is considered the future of website development is its user-friendly interface. The block-based approach makes it easy for anyone to create and manage content, regardless of their technical expertise. This democratization of content creation empowers more people to build and maintain their websites.

2. Time efficiency

The intuitive design of the Gutenberg Editor significantly reduces the time required to create and edit content. The ability to quickly add, modify, and rearrange blocks streamlines the content creation process, allowing developers and content creators to focus more on the quality of their work rather than the technicalities.

3. Consistent design

With reusable blocks and enhanced customization options, maintaining a consistent design across a website becomes much easier. This consistency is essential for creating a cohesive brand identity and improving the overall user experience.

4. Future-proofing

As WordPress continues to evolve, the Gutenberg Editor is poised to become the standard for content creation. By adopting it now, developers and website owners can future-proof their sites, ensuring compatibility with future updates and new features.

5. Enhanced performance

The Gutenberg editor is built with performance in mind. Its clean code and optimized design contribute to faster loading times and better overall performance, which are critical factors for user experience and SEO.

How to enable Gutenberg editor in WordPress

Enabling the Gutenberg editor in WordPress is straightforward. By default, Gutenberg is the standard editor in WordPress 5.0 and later versions.

However, if you are using an older version of WordPress or if it has been disabled for some reason, you can easily activate the Gutenberg Editor by following these steps:

  1. Update WordPress: Ensure that your WordPress installation is updated to the latest version. Gutenberg is included in WordPress 5.0 and later.
  2. Install the Gutenberg plugin: If you are using an older version of WordPress, you can install the Gutenberg block editor plugin from the WordPress repository. Simply go to Plugins > Add New, search for “Gutenberg,” and install and activate the plugin.
  3. Activate Gutenberg editor: Once the plugin is installed, Gutenberg will be activated by default. You can start using it by creating a new post or page.

How to disable Gutenberg editor in WordPress

While the Gutenberg Editor offers many advantages, some users may prefer to stick with the classic editor for various reasons. If you need to disable the Gutenberg Editor, you can do so easily:

  1. Install the Classic editor plugin: Go to Plugins > Add New, search for “Classic Editor,” and install and activate the plugin.
  2. Configure the plugin: After activating the Classic Editor plugin, go to Settings > Writing, and select the Classic Editor option. This will disable Gutenberg and restore the classic TinyMCE editor.

Real-world applications of Gutenberg editor

The adoption of the Gutenberg Editor has led to numerous real-world applications demonstrating its potential to transform website development. Here are a few examples:

1. Business websites

Businesses can leverage the Gutenberg Editor to create professional and visually appealing websites without the need for extensive coding. The block-based approach allows easy customization, ensuring the website aligns with the brand’s identity.

2. E-commerce sites

For e-commerce sites, the ability to create custom product pages and optimize them for mobile devices is crucial. Gutenberg’s flexibility and responsiveness make it an ideal choice for building and managing online stores.

3. Blogs and news sites

Content-heavy websites like blogs and news sites benefit greatly from the Gutenberg Editor. The ease of adding multimedia content, customizing layouts, and maintaining a consistent design helps in delivering a better reading experience.

4. Portfolio sites

Artists, photographers, and other creatives can use Gutenberg to build stunning portfolio sites. The block-based system allows for unique and visually striking designs that effectively showcase their work.

The road ahead 

If you are an enterprise owner who might be considering using WordPress VIP for the first time, here’s what you need to know!

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Harshal Mehuriya - Subject Matter Expert (SME)

Harshal is a visionary leader with 7+ years of experience in managing dynamic developer teams at Mavlers. As a Technical Lead, he focuses on aligning project objectives with business goals, ensuring that every WordPress site not only meets but exceeds expectations. His strategic foresight has been instrumental in Mavlers's growth, driving the adoption of agile practices and a culture of continuous improvement. Harshal mentors aspiring developers, promoting a collaborative and inclusive work environment.

Naina Sandhir - Content Writer

A content writer at Mavlers, Naina pens quirky, inimitable, and damn relatable content after an in-depth and critical dissection of the topic in question. When not hiking across the Himalayas, she can be found buried in a book with spectacles dangling off her nose!

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