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Can an offshore agency match the pricing offered by a freelancer?

Are you confused between the pricing offered by freelancers & offshore agencies? Read on to choose correctly. ...

As you juggle multiple hats from the entrepreneur’s rack, you have probably decided to outsource some or most of your firm’s digital marketing requirements to the right third party.

You might find yourself at a crossroads as you explore many options. You could either go with niche-specific freelancers or an offshore digital marketing agency that might offer more holistic options. And the costs of services offered majorly affect your decision.

As an experienced offshore digital marketing company with a diverse portfolio of happy clients, we will attempt to break down the topic for you as honestly and transparently as possible. 

We will be looking at the following sections;

  • Pricing comparison between freelancers and digital marketing agencies for commonly outsourced digital marketing services
  • Which option is more affordable?
  • Why do agencies charge more than freelancers for the same services?

By the end of this piece, you should be able to answer the question that  might currently plague  you, “Can an offshore agency match the pricing offered by freelancers?”

So, without further ado,  let’s get cracking!

To begin with, it is essential to crunch some numbers and average costs to gain clarity on some ballpark estimates. We have tabulated the hourly/monthly rates charged by Mavlers and freelancers for different digital marketing services that you might want to outsource,

Alas! Agencies are pricier!

As you can see, yes, agencies cannot usually match the lower price points offered by freelancers. 

However, there are two sides to every coin. 

When making the outsourcing decision for your firm, it is important to consider a multitude of factors and not just the costs involved. 

While we admit that the lower costs can be appetizing for many, it never hurts to look at the fruits hanging at slightly higher branches, too! 

In the following section, we will explore the reasons agencies charge slightly more than freelancers. 

Why do offshore digital marketing agencies charge more?

Well, the reasons behind the seemingly steeper prices can be varied, such as,

1. Full skill-set team of resources

When you partner with an agency, they will be equipped with a whole team of resources, teeming with experts who have different skill sets. In case things don’t work out with a particular resource or you want someone else to work on your project, they will always have a backup.

A freelancer is usually a one-person army and doesn’t have the expertise or the bandwidth to account for instances of scope creep or projects that require a different set of skills. They might have a lot more on their plate than they can handle, which is usually not the case with agencies. 

2. Ensure the security of your project with an option to escalate.

Life and plans have an uncanny knack for going awry. However, that doesn’t mean that you don’t account for unforeseen circumstances. With agencies, they give you the privilege of an escalation team that you may get in touch with in case of missed milestones, not-so-great deliverables, or even communication challenges. This seemingly simple measure can eliminate major roadblocks down the road. 

With freelancers, you might not have that option, and in case you stop seeing eye to eye with your preferred resource, you might have to kiss your project goals, money, and invested time goodbye!

3. A leadership team that trains and leads the delivery team

The end goal is usually high-quality deliverables and that can be guaranteed only by superior workmanship and stringent quality checkpoints. With agencies, they have an SME and a team of experts verifying the work of the delivery team for gaps, if any, and further polishing before they make their way down your inbox. 

Freelancers have no one above them to look into their work, and you might have to indulge in greater to and fro till you get something of the quality you desire!

4. Latest tools and technology stack, along with knowledge of current industry trends

Agencies are known to invest a significant amount of time and money in training their delivery team members so that they are equipped with the latest technology and current industry knowledge that ultimately reflects in the quality of the end deliverables. 

Freelancers might not have that kind of wherewithal or the time to invest in upgrading their skillset or tech stack.

5. Access to an Account Manager and Subject Matter Expert to iron out any difficulties

Digital agencies usually have SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) on board who can provide the right strategic inputs when required and fix the chinks in the armor before the cookie crumbles! 

Similarly, a dedicated AM can also help you fix any customer experience roadblocks, if any, as and when they arise. 

So what’s next?

Now that you clearly understand the factors affecting the pricing quoted by agencies vs. freelancers and the pros and cons of hiring either, you can now decide the best fit for your unique needs. 

We at Mavlers are committed to informing you about every step in the process of outsourcing your digital marketing needs. Though agencies may charge 1.5 times higher than the price quoted by freelancers, the ultimate test of priorities should be the deciding factor in making the final outsourcing decision. 

Simply put, renting a car when on vacation makes sense, but for daily use, it is a good decision to invest in buying your own car. Similarly, while freelancers might be a good choice for one-off projects, agencies might be the difference between unachieved KPIS and holistic growth! 

Would you like to read more about the factors to consider when outsourcing your digital marketing requirements to an offshore agency? Check out our blog! 

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Naina Sandhir - Content Writer

A content writer at Mavlers, Naina pens quirky, inimitable, and damn relatable content after an in-depth and critical dissection of the topic in question. When not hiking across the Himalayas, she can be found buried in a book with spectacles dangling off her nose!

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