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A deep dive into the On page and Off page SEO best practices

Perfect your on page and off page SEO best practices with the tips and strategies that follow in the comprehensive guide. ...

Everyone wants and wishes to be ahead in the race! 

Be it students, professionals, or even businesses. Ever since businesses have started creating their presence online, there has a constant competition to be at the top of the game and to rule the SEO jungle. 

In today’s digital marketing landscape, if you do not have a proper SEO strategy, then you are definitely putting yourself at a disadvantage. In fact, according to Bright Edge, SEO drives 1000% + more traffic than organic social media! 

Speaking of SEO, on-page and off-page optimization are two critical components of it. On-page optimization refers to the changes made on your website to improve your ranking in search engines. On the other hand, off-page optimization refers to the tactics you implement outside the website to maximize its visibility and ranking on the search engine ranking page (SERP). 

Looking for ways to improve your SEO? We have got your back! Read on to explore some of the best on-page and off-page strategies that can help you improve your SEO. 

On-Page Optimization Brief Introduction & Best Strategies

Simply put, on-page optimization is the act of optimizing separate web pages to rank higher and redirect more traffic to the page. It involves optimizing the content and the HTML source code of the webpage to make it more search engine-friendly. 

The main goal of on-page optimization is to elevate the overall presentation of the website and make it more appealing to the users and the search engines. It includes optimizing the webpage’s title, meta description, keyword use, and internal linking to ensure the content published on the page is relevant. 
By practicing on-page optimization, you can enjoy benefits like higher search engine ranking, increased organic traffic, more engagement, and more dwell time of the users on the website.

Content Optimization

They don’t say ‘Content is King’ for no reason! High-quality and relevant content forms the basis of a successful SEO campaign. Hence, you must ensure that your content is informative, engaging, and valuable to your visitors.

However, this does not mean you stuff your content with fancy words that are difficult to comprehend. Keep your content simple, precise, and to the point. Additionally, use appropriate headings, subheadings, and bullet points to increase its readability.

Title and meta-description optimization  

The most important elements that reflect in search engine results are your web page’s title and meta description. You need to ensure that your title and meta description reflect clearly in the content of your web pages, and do not forget to include proper keywords. 

Most importantly, use action-oriented words to attract the users to click the link and explore your webpage. 

Internal Linking 

Internal linking is the process of linking other pages to your website. This helps in building link equity for your page. However, you need to leverage descriptive anchor text and link to appropriate pages within your website. 

Optimize the speed of your page. 

Valuing and respecting the precious time of your users is extremely important. The loading speed of your website is a factor that can highly impact your search engine rankings. A website that takes a long time to load can lead to a high bounce rate, affecting your rankings negatively. 

Ensure to optimize your website’s images, compress CSS and JavaScript files to improve your page speed, to avoid keeping your users waiting. 

Make the webpage mobile-friendly. 

There are more than 5.4 billion phone users in the world! Since most online searches come from mobile devices, having a mobile-friendly website is essential. With Google announcing mobile-first indexing, responsive websites have become much more important. 

You can ace your on-page optimization efforts by incorporating the strategies mentioned above. 

Now, let’s move to a brief introduction about off-page optimization and its best SEO practices! 

Off-page Optimization Brief Introduction & Best SEO Practices

Contrary to on-page, off-page optimization includes using various techniques and activities that are adopted outside of the website to maximize your search engine rankings and elevate your visibility online. 

The activities involve producing high-quality backlinks, guest blogging, social media marketing, content marketing, and creating a reputation online. 

The quality and quantity of the backlinks to a website play a pivotal role in improving its search engine rankings. Hence, off-page optimization is crucial for improving the website’s visibility. 

However, you need to perform the needful in an ethical and white-hat manner, abiding by the guidelines issued by the Google webmaster. Indulging in spammy techniques could lead to severe penalties or even deindexing your website from the search engine! 

Here are a few off-page optimization practices you can follow for maximum benefits.

Create high-quality backlinks 

Backlinks are links from other websites that redirect the user to your website via that website. While this is a great way to drive more traffic to your page, the quality of the backlinks can majorly impact your ranking. 

To avoid this, build backlinks from authoritative and relevant websites catering to your industry’s niche. 

Include guest blogging 

Another great practice to include in your off-page optimization technique is to leverage guest blogging. This activity involves creating content for another website and putting a backlink to your website within the content of the guest blog. 

Doing so helps in building backlinks and also assists in driving traffic to your website. 

Try directory listings 

You can improve your brand visibility and search engine rankings by submitting your website to online directories. However, the key here is to look for directories aligned with your industry and with a high authority rate. 

Collaborate with influencers 

Influencer marketing is undoubtedly the new coolest thing on the block! Collaborating with influencers in your industry can increase your brand awareness and redirect traffic to your website. 

The process is simple. You must reach out to famous faces in your niche and offer to collaborate with them on content promotions. After promoting your brand with its powerful content, you will surely witness an increase in your brand’s presence. 

Make use of Social media. 

Lastly, having a solid social media presence is a must for every budding or established brand or business online. When used correctly, social media possesses immense power to increase the visibility of your website. 

You need to share your content on social media platforms and engage with your followers for them to see you in a different light. Ensure that you repost the content you are tagged in, respond to their comments and messages politely, and engage with them personally. All these things, when combined, will help in building a better brand-user relationship and also help in reputation building. 

Calling It A Wrap!

Both on-page optimization and off-page optimization are equally important to make your website rank and maximize your reach and visibility online. However, you need to remember that just like all good things take time, even SEO practices take some time to show results but hold on! Because it will be worth the wait!  If you are still confused book a consultation with Mavlers or Contact us.

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Tuhina Sihota - Content Writer

Tuhina works in the content marketing team at Mavlers. Apart from creating awesome content, she loves cooking for her family and spending time with her German Shephard. She is a foodie and a fitness freak at the same time.

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