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WooCommerce Key Update

WooCommerce Key Update: Boosting Sales With New Features

Worried about stagnant sales on your online e-commerce store? Maybe it's time to rebuild it with the latest WooCommerce features. Read along to learn ...

So, you’re an e-commerce store owner or a digital marketer looking to boost your store’s performance or attract new customers. Your products are fantastic, and you’ve invested a significant amount of time and money in enhancing the conversion rates on your website. 

Yet, the results have disappointed you and fallen well below your expectations. 

  • No surge in traffic during peak seasons. 
  • The same old high bounce rate. 
  • The sales are stagnant. 

Well, to achieve growth in sales, you need a robust and reliable e-commerce platform. 

  • One that can streamline your operations.
  • One that can improve customer satisfaction. 

That’s where WooCommerce (a WordPress plugin) walks the talk. It is both efficient and effective. And with its latest update, version 9.3, you can leverage multiple WooCommerce features that haven’t been witnessed before. These WooCommerce new features, which we will talk about later in this blog, enhance a website’s functionality and user experience. 

Are you still wondering, “How can you leverage the latest WooCommerce update to its full potential?” Why do you think we are here? 

At Mavlers, we have a team of 100+ WordPress experts with extensive experience successfully delivering over 5,000+ projects catering to 3000+ clients. We have deployed over 65+ dedicated resources to work for clients as part of their teams. They work like an extension of your in-house team. 

Here is what we will go through in this blog:

What’s New in the Latest WooCommerce 9.3.2 Update? 

New WooCommerce Features in the Updates in 2024 

By the end of this blog, you will have all the necessary information in your arsenal about the latest WooCommerce update. Let’s dive right into what’s new in WooCommerce features

What’s new in the latest WooCommerce 9.3.2 update?

The dot updates are all about enhancing the performance of WooCommerce on your website, even if it feels like the improvements have been made under the hood. 

Although you have the luxury of multiple new, standout features with the main releases, these quick releases week-in and week-out are essential in keeping your website secure and performing seamlessly and reliably for your audience. 

Here are the latest features in the WooCommerce 9.3.2 update. 

1. Enhanced security 

The apparent flow of vulnerabilities has been identified and rectified in this update. It will help process customer data or transactions and prevent exposures. The latest update has also released patches to enhance security and fight external threats, such as malware, phishing, viruses, etc. 

2. Performance optimization 

No one wants a website that feels like a football match at 0.75x speed. That’s why this new WooCommerce update has released an anti-climax for outdated templates. You can now embed software code in multiple images to help your web pages load quickly. This also improves the bounce rate and enhances conversion levels. 

3. Targeted bug fixes 

This new feature analyzes your website, finds bugs, and fixes them in just a few clicks. The WooCommerce plugin’s level of polishing indicates how the economics of e-commerce are being streamlined. 

Now, let’s discuss the other updates and the new features.

New features of the WooCommerce Updates in 2024

The latest WooCommerce update (version 9.3.3) was released on 25 September 2024, and the 9.4 update is scheduled to be released in the first week of November. 

Here are a few standout features of all new WooCommerce updates in 2024:

1. Order attribution 

Most businesses (no matter their scale and size) have one common question in mind: Which of my efforts converted the customer and made the sale? 

With the Order Attribution feature, you can now track the point of conversion and gain a better understanding of your customers. It’s as easy as it sounds. 

This feature uses the last click made just before the customer lands on your website. So, the conversion credit goes to the customer’s last point of contact. 

This feature was released at the start of the year in the version 8.5 update. 

2. New style for the product details block 

In mid-February, WooCommerce 8.5 released a new block style for the Product details block. Now, the WooCommerce plugin has two blocks available: filter by Rating Controls and filter by Stock Controls. 

This new style is mobile-friendly and offers an improved design on the default product page. You can have the product image on one side and the product description on the other. On mobile phones, you can have the description under the product image. 

3. WooCommerce blocks are now included in WooCommerce

Who doesn’t like plugin consolidation? 

The WooCommerce Blocks plugin has been merged into the WooCommerce plugin, so merchants won’t have to work with two different plugins. 

The positives?

  • The WooCommerce core now includes 20 blocks in total. 
  • The blocks have now become standalone features. 
  • You can design and build custom content blocks at your convenience. 

Moreover, with the WooCommerce update manager (an extension), you can install and manage all your purchased extensions and themes in one place with just a few clicks. 

4. Customizable block-based checkout 

With block-based checkout, e-commerce store owners can customize their checkout page with zero coding requirements. This new building experience provides the necessary features to create a frictionless, fully customized checkout flow. 

You can streamline your customers’ journey from ‘add to cart’ to ‘buy now.’ Not just that, this checkout process is optimized for conversions as it offers a seamless purchasing experience to users. 

The block-based checkout also features instant field validation, express payment options, and effortless integration with the WooPayments plugin. There are no unnecessary hurdles between a customer choosing to buy and making the transaction. 

If you want to migrate your website from a different platform to the newest WooCommerce, keep the following things in mind. 

  • Back up your data before upgrading your store. This ensures that your data will not be lost if a catastrophic failure occurs during installation or you face downtime. 
  • Check your store’s compatibility with the new WooCommerce version using a compatibility tester plugin (e.g., WooCommerce Beta Tester). You can check for existing errors and the user experience on your website. 

Key Takeaways 

Here are some more reads that will help you be more informed if you’d like to consider. 

Related Articles You May Find Useful 

How Much Does WooCommerce Website Development Cost at Mavlers? 

Shopify vs. WooCommerce: Pros, Cons, and What Works Best for Your Business 

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Ahmad Jamal - Content Writer

Ahmad works as a content writer at Mavlers. He’s a computer engineer obsessed with his time, a football enthusiast with an MBA in Marketing, and a poet who fancies being a stage artist. Entrepreneurship, startups, and branding are his only love interests.

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