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Word of mouth marketing

Word of Mouth Marketing: Get it Right With These Tips and Tricks!

Wish to leverage word of mouth marketing for your business? Read this blog to learn how! ...

One thing that every business dreams of is to see their customers spreading the word of their products and services, of their own accord, among their circles; otherwise, also known as word of mouth marketing! Inexpensive and seriously effective, word of mouth marketing can help you amass an incredibly loyal and highly engaged customer base.

Many of us tend to mistakenly assume that word of mouth is an entirely coincidental phenomenon; it’s anything but that! A lot of careful curation goes behind compelling your customers to volunteer as your brand ambassadors (no one comes close to the enthusiasm of a happy buyer!). Wish to build an airtight word of mouth marketing strategy? We’ve got you covered. In today’s blog, we will walk you through a host of techniques leveraging which you can make your business the talk of the town. Read on to find out!

Prioritize user experience

In order to get customers talking about your offerings, it is imperative that they derive an impeccable user experience from it. Now, offering a memorable user experience isn’t about notching up your aesthetics; it’s got more to do with dialling up your functionalities. Customers will more than make do with a decent design but your features are what they will heavily base their impressions upon. So, if you want your customers to recommend your products to their peers, you must work towards delivering an unrivalled user experience!

Up your content game

In 2024, the market is as saturated as it’s ever been. There are perhaps more solutions available to customers than their problems. How does one cut through this noise, then? The answer lies in developing a formidable content strategy. In fact, we’ll go as far as suggesting that you take up content development with as much gravity as the development of your products and services. At present, catching the eyeballs of your audience solely on the basis of your offerings’ merits is an extremely uphill affair. Along with putting out first-rate products, you must also focus towards infusing a certain personality into your brand- this is where crafting an impactful content strategy becomes non-negotiable.

People love sharing content that resonates with them. And so, if your content game is truly up to the mark, you’ll find yourselves staying continuously on the radars of your target audience, and subsequently driving greater engagement and conversions. Of course, coming up with content that ticks all the right boxes demands a lot of hard yards. But, trust us; it’s all worth it. Because, eventually, when you do manage to crack the code, nothing can get in the way of your business revelling under the limelight.

Invite user-generated content (UGC)

User-generated content is highly influential. Just how influential, you ask? Well, 6.6 times more than branded content and 8.7 more times than influential content. 


What makes UGC such a hit is the high degree of authenticity it brings to the table. Think from the shoes of a customer- wouldn’t you relate more to the content created by a fellow customer rather than the posts of the brand (even if the latter will invariably be more aesthetically pleasing and polished on all fronts)?

So, as a business, you should always encourage the submission of user-generated content. This could be anything from candid posts to testimonials. Organizing contests on social media is a great way to generate UGC; if you are in a bit of a block regarding how to go about encouraging UGC, contests can be a great starting point!

Focus on building a community

Companies that can’t seem to look beyond establishing a strictly transactional relationship with their buyers are bound to lose their footing in the longer run. Creating and nurturing a community is central to ensuring your sustenance. You must strive towards convincing your customers that your bond with them extends way beyond the confines of their purchases. Now, building a close-knit community is no child’s play. You need to take into account several considerations such as:

  • The tone in which your customers prefer to be addressed. 
  • The kinds of topics hold their interest more.
  • The type of content they respond best to.
  • The frequency with which they prefer being communicated to.

A community not only strengthens your engagement with your customers but over a period of time also lets you identify community influencers who can then be banked upon to spread awareness about your brand. 

Be gracious with criticism

When you’re trying to generate conversation around your brand, brace yourself for the fact that not all of it will be pretty. You can only attempt to steer the dialogue in a particular direction but at the end of the day you have absolutely no control over what people will say about you. Hence, learning to roll with the punches is a highly essential part of embracing word of mouth marketing. 

One thing that you can do to minimize the chances of any sort of negative chatter developing around your business is to maintain a transparent conduct. By keeping your audience in the know regarding critical events, you basically eliminate fodder for hearsay. While a certain degree of criticism is part and parcel of every business’ operations, remember that sometimes people attempt to create noise just for the sake of it; all you’ve got to do is pay no heed to such agents and instead focus on getting word out about all the things you’re doing right.

Wrapping it up

Do you know who the most efficient salesmen of your business are? All your satisfied customers! Word of mouth marketing can bring in astounding results for your business but for that to happen you must first thoroughly impress your customers. To impress your customers join mavlers professional digital marketing company, If you truly want to create a buzz around your business, you must develop a comprehensive understanding regarding the needs, interests, and pain points of your audience. We hope the insights shared above help you create a robust and impactful word of mouth marketing strategy.

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Prajakti Pathak - Content Writer

Prajakti is the Senior Content Marketing Manager at Mavlers. She brings with her a rich content creation experience of over 10 years. A creative mind and a good hold on syntax make her traverse her writing through different forms of content including blogs, interviews, infographics, case studies, etc. While writing is her first love, she’s also an avid birdwatcher.

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