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Wordpress with AWS

Transforming WordPress with AWS: A Guide to Cloud-Powered Excellence

Do you want to transform your WordPress experience with the au nouveau AWS cloud hosting? Here’s all the tea you need! ...

So, you are a web developer who has been asked to find the best cloud hosting for WordPress. 

Remember, whether you’re running a small blog or a large e-commerce platform, reliable hosting is the key to unlocking your online potential and ensuring your future success.

This is where hosting WordPress with AWS (Amazon Web Services) comes into the picture with its numerous benefits, including scalability, reliability, performance, and cost-efficiency.

We at Mavlers are WordPress VIP Silver Agency Partners with over twelve years of experience, successfully delivering 5,000+ WordPress projects for 3,000+ global clients. 

Leveraging our expertise garnered over the years, in today’s blog, we will attempt to bring clarity on the following topics:

By the end of this blog, you will be able to know for sure if AWS cloud services are the right way to go for hosting your WordPress website and how to set it up. 

So, without any further ado, let’s get cracking!


Understanding WordPress cloud hosting

In simple terms, Cloud-powered WordPress refers to hosting your WordPress website on cloud servers instead of traditional physical servers. 

This involves using cloud computing platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, or Microsoft Azure to store, manage, and deliver your website’s content.

Instead of relying on a single physical server, your site utilizes a network of servers, providing greater flexibility and reliability.

How does WordPress cloud hosting work?

  • Distributed resources: Instead of relying on a single server, your website’s files and data are stored across multiple virtual servers.
  • Scalability: Cloud hosting allows you to easily increase or decrease your resource usage based on your website’s needs.
  • Reliability: If one server fails, another takes over, ensuring your site stays online.

Advantages of WordPress cloud hosting

1. Scalability

  • Automatic scaling: Cloud hosting can automatically adjust resources (like bandwidth and storage) to handle traffic spikes.
  • Cost-effective: Cloud hosting operates on a “pay-as-you-go model, allowing you to pay only for the resources you use. This can significantly reduce costs compared to traditional hosting.

2. Performance

  • Faster load times: Cloud servers are optimized for speed, ensuring quicker load times for your website.
  • Global reach: Cloud providers have data centers worldwide, enabling faster content delivery to users from different regions.

3. Reliability

  • High uptime: Cloud hosting typically offers higher uptime than traditional hosting because of its distributed nature.
  • Redundancy: If one server goes down, another can take its place without causing downtime.

4. Security

  • Advanced security features: Cloud providers offer robust security measures, including firewalls, DDoS protection, and regular updates.
  • Automatic backups: Cloud hosting often includes automated backups, ensuring your data is safe and can be restored quickly.

5. Flexibility

  • Customization: Cloud environments are highly customizable, allowing you to configure your server settings to suit your specific needs.
  • Integration: Easily integrate with other cloud services and tools, enhancing your website’s functionality.

Why is AWS a top choice for WordPress cloud hosting?

If you are wondering why AWS might be a good choice for WordPress cloud hosting, here are some reasons why it might be.

AWS is a leading cloud service provider known for its reliability, scalability, high-performance security, flexibility, and extensive range of tools and services. It is particularly well-suited for WordPress hosting, offering various solutions to optimize performance, security, and cost management.

1. Cost-effectiveness

  • Pay-as-you-go pricing: AWS charges only for the resources you use, which can be more economical than traditional fixed-cost hosting plans.

2. Developer and community support

  • Extensive documentation: AWS offers comprehensive documentation and tutorials to help you set up and manage your WordPress site.
  • Active community: There is a large community of AWS users and experts who can provide support and share best practices.

3. Integration with DevOps tools

DevOps-friendly: AWS supports a wide range of DevOps tools and practices, enabling continuous integration and deployment, automated testing, and infrastructure as code.

4. Managed WordPress hosting options

  • Amazon Lightsail: AWS offers Amazon Lightsail, a simpler, managed hosting service that is ideal for users who want to set up WordPress quickly without dealing with complex configurations.
  • Elastic Beanstalk: Elastic Beanstalk is a managed service that automates deployment and scaling for your WordPress site.

How do you set up WordPress with AWS for your website?

Setting up AWS cloud services for your WordPress website involves several steps. Here’s a simple, step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Step 1: Create an AWS account

  • Sign Up: Go to the AWS website and create a new account.
  • Billing Information: Enter your billing information to complete the signup process.

Step 2: Launch an EC2 Instance

  • Navigate to EC2: From the AWS Management Console, navigate to the EC2 Dashboard.
  • Launch Instance: Click on “Launch Instance”.
  • Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI): Select an Amazon Linux 2 AMI or another preferred Linux distribution.
  • Instance type: Choose an instance type that meets your needs (e.g., t2.micro for the free tier).
  • Configure Instance: Configure instance details, including the number of instances, network settings, and more. Keep the default settings if unsure.
  • Add storage: Allocate sufficient storage for your WordPress site (e.g., 20 GB).
  • Tag Instance: (Optional) Add tags for easy identification.
  • Configure security group: Create a new security group or select an existing one. Ensure HTTP (port 80), HTTPS (port 443), and SSH (port 22) are allowed.
  • Review and launch: Review your settings and click “Launch”. Choose or create a new key pair for SSH access.

Step 3: Connect to Your EC2 Instance

  • Download Key Pair: Save the private key file (.pem) securely.
  • Connect via SSH:
  • Open a terminal (Mac/Linux) or use an SSH client like PuTTY (Windows).
  • Run the following command (replace your-key.pem and your-instance-public-dns with your key file and instance DNS):

ssh -i “your-key.pem” ec2-user@your-instance-public-dns

Step 4: Install LAMP Stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP)

  • Update Packages:

sudo yum update -y

  • Install Apache:

sudo yum install httpd -y

sudo systemctl start httpd

sudo systemctl enable httpd

  • Install MySQL:

sudo yum install mariadb-server -y

sudo systemctl start mariadb

sudo systemctl enable mariadb

sudo mysql_secure_installation

  • Install PHP:

sudo yum install php php-mysql -y

sudo systemctl restart httpd

Step 5: Download and configure WordPress

  • Download WordPress:

cd /var/www/html

sudo wget

sudo tar -xzf latest.tar.gz

sudo chown -R apache:apache wordpress

  • Create WordPress database:

sudo mysql -u root -p


CREATE USER ‘wpuser’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘password’;

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON wordpress.* TO ‘wpuser’@’localhost’;



  • Configure WordPress:
  • Copy the sample configuration file:

cd /var/www/html/wordpress

sudo cp wp-config-sample.php wp-config.php

  • Edit wp-config.php and update database details:

define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘wordpress’);

define(‘DB_USER’, ‘wpuser’);

define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘password’);

define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’);

Step 6: Finalize setup

  • Access WordPress setup:
  • Open a web browser and navigate to your instance’s public DNS or IP address followed by /wordpress (e.g., http://your-instance-public-dns/wordpress).
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the WordPress setup.
  • Set permissions:

sudo chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html/wordpress

sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www/html/wordpress

Step 7: Configure a domain name (optional)

  • Register a domain: Register a domain through AWS Route 53 or another domain registrar.
  • Configure Route 53:
  • Create a new hosted zone.
  • Add an A record pointing to your EC2 instance’s public IP address.

Step 8: Enable HTTPS (optional)

  • Install Certbot:

sudo yum install certbot python2-certbot-apache

  • Obtain and install SSL certificate:

sudo certbot –apache

  • Follow the prompts to complete the SSL setup

The road ahead

Are you wondering why WordPress gets hacked and how we at Mavlers can help you prevent that? We have got a guide for that too!

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Afzal Multani - Subject Matter Expert (SME)

Hello, I’m Afzal, a dedicated Subject Matter Expert (SME) in web-based programming with a specialized focus on WordPress. My journey in web design began with my initial experiment with HTML, and since then, my curiosity and determination have driven me to master the art of creating websites and services from the ground up. My objective is to fully understand each client’s vision, offer expert opinions, and develop tailored solutions that uniquely reflect their values. My clients consistently commend me for my exceptional customer service, creativity, and unwavering commitment to delivering superior web solutions. With extensive knowledge of development technologies, standards, and implementation best practices, I have established a top-tier reputation and a portfolio of successful projects. As an SME, I bring a wealth of expertise and innovative thinking to every project, ensuring precise and excellent execution.

Naina Sandhir - Content Writer

A content writer at Mavlers, Naina pens quirky, inimitable, and damn relatable content after an in-depth and critical dissection of the topic in question. When not hiking across the Himalayas, she can be found buried in a book with spectacles dangling off her nose!

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