Why is AI important for
digital marketing agencies?

AI can not just do the basic spade work for marketers but can also gaze down the proverbial crystal ball with its clairvoyant powers and deliver results at half the manual TAT and cost to companies with the right kind of prompts and knowledge bases.

Findings have led the way to the light with a 27% marked uptick in AI adoption and implementation of the 341 surveyed top marketers of for-profit U.S. companies. The bi-annually held CMO survey reported the following three top scenarios of AI deployment in the marketing genre:

Deploying AI to streamline mundane and creative tasks can be extremely important for digital marketing agencies along the following three pillars: personalization, optimization, and innovation.

Let’s delve into all of them:

Delivering personalized experiences

One of the most magical aspects of AI is that it can help you deliver a personalized experience to every valued customer. With tools for social listening, web analytics, and an in-depth analysis of customer behavior and purchase history, AI can analyze huge chunks of data from a repertoire of erstwhile-mentioned sources.

Marketers can use it to create customer segments, personas, and profiles. AI can also use natural language processing (NLP) and natural language generation (NLG) to create relevant and engaging content for each customer, such as emails, headlines, landing pages, and ads.

Marketers can leverage a wealth of AI tools to curate and offer personalized experiences, such as Jasper, 6Sense, Copy.ai, Persado, Lately, etc.

Data Analytics

In marketing, AI can analyze massive campaign data sets and provide concise insights.

AI can also forecast the results of marketing campaigns based on past data, such as how customers interact and engage with your brand, buy your products/services, or open your emails.

This will help you optimize your time when planning and creating marketing materials for your campaigns.

Looking to leverage AI to save time and efforts you put into client projects and still deliver value?

Generating content

AI tools can be used to come up with email subject lines, blog copy, and social media posts. But the jury is still divided on the efficacy of these, and human experience is still needed to peruse the copy before you may consider hitting the publish button!

Many marketers may use AI tools such as Writesonic or Copy.ai to curate first drafts, which they can later refine and render a human touch, too. This helps quicken the content delivery process by reducing the massive amount of time that can be spent coming up with ideas for first copies.

A recent infographic published by Email Uplers brought up some interesting results.

When asked whether AI tools were already a part of RPEOrigin’s email copywriting tool kit, this is what Ryan Phelan, Managing Partner, RPEOrigin, had to say about the question at hand,

“Interestingly enough, the premise that AI can help bridge the gap between effective copy and scale has not yet come to fruition. We do not use AI for copywriting but are exploring a wide array of other uses that may increase production. Our approach is not to replace something for the sake of innovation, but to do so in a responsible matter that benefits the customer and end consumer.”

On the other hand, some are more candid and experimentative with the advent of the inevitable change on the horizon. Here’s what Des Brown, GM TouchBasePro, had to say when posed the same question,

“I think I'd be chastised by any marketing community if I say I don't use ChatGPT or Google's Bard, but they are one of my email idea-generation tools, which is a start.

My ESP, TouchBasePro, has some advanced AI content and copy features, which include AI-article processing and recommended content. This saves a ton of time moving copy over to the email environment by clustering content preferences based on the activity users on a website are taking. This works super well for Publisher customers I work with. It takes away a ton of the manual segmentation and effort in content creation when news feeds into emails.”

So, the binding segue to this discussion may be that some welcome AI-generated content with open arms while others are a little conscious of going out and about with this new baby of generative AI.

What AI can do for your
marketing campaigns and goals?

We are standing on the cusp of a major wave of change that some may call disruptive and feed the fears of an ever-compressing job economy. However, at the cost of standing cliched, we maintain that change is the only constant, and it is in the best interest of our marketing agencies community to make the best of the power on offer that comes with the incorporation of AI.

Let’s crunch some numbers before we proceed to leverage AI to achieve your marketing goals and campaigns.

  • According to Statista, the projected market share for AI in marketing was pinned at a humongous USD 15.84 billion in 2021, and the numbers are projected to reach a mindboggling USD 107.5 billion by the stark end of this decade in 2028.
  • As per PwC’s Global Artificial Intelligence Study findings, product enhancements will account for 45% of the total economic benefits of AI by 2030. This is because AI will enable more variety, personalization, appeal, and affordability of products over time, boosting consumer demand.
  • If we look at the geographical distribution of economic gains through AI, China steals the show with a projected 26% enhancement to its GDP in 2030, while North America comes in a close second with a 14.5% increase, accounting for a total of USD 10.7 trillion and almost 70% of the global economic impact.

Now, that’s some solid food for thought! Let’s dive deep into the scenarios where marketers working in agencies can leverage AI to achieve your clients’ marketing goals and campaigns.

  • AI can help marketers churn out content faster and more efficiently. AI can generate captions, social media posts, email subject lines, blog copy, and even images based on your input or topic. It can also help you summarize, outline, and repurpose your existing content for different formats and platforms that can be more engaging for your clientele. This can save you time and resources and improve your content quality and consistency.
  • AI can enable the creation of more personalized content for your clients to effectively engage their audience. AI can analyze huge amounts of data from multiple sources, for instance, customer behavior, preferences, demographics, location, and feedback. It can then use this data to tailor your content to each customer's needs and interests and recommend the best products, services, or offers for them. This can increase your customer engagement, loyalty, and conversion.
  • AI can help you predict the outcome of your marketing campaigns and optimize your strategy. AI can use historical data and current trends to forecast the performance of your marketing campaigns, such as consumer engagement metrics, purchases, time-on-page, email opens, and more. It can also help you test different variables and scenarios to find the best combination of content, channel, timing, and audience for your campaigns. This can help you improve your return on investment (ROI) and achieve your marketing goals.
  • AI can help you conduct market research and gain insights into your industry and competitors. AI can collect and process large amounts of data from various sources, such as social media, news articles, blogs, reviews, and more. AI can then provide you with concise and relevant information about your market size, trends, opportunities, threats, strengths, weaknesses, and best practices. It can also help you monitor your competitors' activities and strategies and identify gaps and niches in the market.
  • AI can help you communicate with your customers in real time and provide them with better service. AI can use natural language processing (NLP) and natural language generation (NLG) to understand and respond to customer queries and feedback through online conversations or events. It can also use natural language understanding (NLU) to detect customer emotions and sentiments and adjust the tone and style of communication accordingly. It can also help you provide 24/7 customer support when live agents are unavailable or busy.

How to get started with
AI in your agency?

If you want to start implementing AI for your marketing agency, you might find the following steps helpful:

  • First, you need to define your marketing goals and challenges and identify the areas where AI can help you achieve them. For example, do you want to improve your customer segmentation, content creation, campaign optimization, or lead generation?
  • Second, you need to research the available AI tools and platforms that can help you with your specific needs. You can use the web search results I provided to learn more about some of the best AI marketing tools and features in the market. For example, Anyword can help you write better marketing copy, Dynamic Search Ads can automate your keyword research and headlines, Google Analytics Intelligence can answer your data questions, and Helixa can give you deeper insights into your audience.
  • Third, you need to evaluate the costs and benefits of using AI for your marketing agency. You should consider the budget, time, and resources required to implement and maintain AI solutions, as well as the potential return on investment and competitive advantage they can bring. You should also weigh the pros and cons of AI marketing, such as its ability to enhance personalization, efficiency, and scalability, versus its limitations in creativity, ethics, and human interaction.
  • Fourth, you need to plan and execute your AI marketing strategy. You should start with some targeted use cases that can deliver quick wins and demonstrate value. You should also test and measure the performance of your AI tools and platforms and optimize them based on feedback and data.
  • Please remember to communicate and collaborate with your team and clients about the benefits and challenges of using AI for your marketing agency.

Too much unsurity about AI? Wish to talk to a fellow agency that’s already adopted the AI revolution?


AI in Marketing:
What It Is and How It Works

AI, the key applications, and some use cases of leveraging AI in marketing. Let’s hit the throttle, shall we?

The definition and types of AI

Artificial Intelligence can be categorized into multiple types based on a plethora of categories. Here is one such categorization that is most commonly used.

  • Reactive machines are the most fundamental type of artificial intelligence. They can only respond to current situations based on predefined rules, much similar to Newton’s third law of motion. However, they cannot learn from past experiences or use memory. An example of a reactive machine is IBM's Deep Blue, which defeated chess champion Garry Kasparov in 1997.
  • Limited memory machines are equipped to use some information from past events to make decisions, but they cannot store it permanently. They are often deployed for tasks that require short-term memory, such as self-driving cars or chatbots.
  • Theory of mind machines are hypothetical machines that can understand the mental states of others, such as emotions, beliefs, and intentions. They can also interact with humans and other agents in a natural and social way.
  • Self-aware machines are hypothetical “sentient” machines that have a sense of self and consciousness. They can reflect on their own actions and goals and modify them accordingly. They can also understand their role and impact in the world.

Decoding the benefits and
challenges of AI in marketing

While the benefits of leveraging the power of AI in marketing are aplenty, it is also pertinent to watch out for potholes and blind spots that might backfire on your carefully articulated marketing strategies and campaigns. Let’s weigh the pros and cons of using AI in enhancing your campaigns and become privy to the lanes you should watch out for!

Benefits of deploying AI in marketing campaigns

01. Levelling up Social Media Listening

AI can boost your social marketing efficiency by enhancing your social listening capabilities.

AI can also analyze and extract relevant information from millions of social listening data points in real-time, using aspect-clustering algorithms. They help you filter out the irrelevant noise and tune into the customer's thoughts and feelings through social media sentiment analysis. This way, you can predict your customers' next actions and plan your strategies accordingly.

02. Enhance your ROIs

With AI's speed, efficiency & automation capabilities, you can reach your ultimate goal of hearing that cash register jingle faster. Higher ROIs result from leveraging AI-powered data analytics and deeper insights into consumer behavior and browsing patterns that help curate enhanced marketing assets, improving campaign performance in real-time.

03. Enhance Customer Relationships

When you deliver personalized suggestions and purchase recommendations to every customer or subscriber on your emailing list, it sends out the message that you care.

AI helps you hyper-personalize content and marketing assets in real-time, thereby giving you a chance to lay the foundation of a strong relationship between the brand and the consumer, as well as re-engaging those who might have lost touch with the brand.

04. Carry Out Audience Segmentation & Personalization

When you deploy AI marketing, you can tailor your omnichannel business strategies to target the customers who are most likely to purchase your product or service based on market segmentation. You can also use programmatic advertising to automate the process of selection and setup of digital ads to realize the best ROI. This empowers you to create more personalized marketing approaches to foster brand loyalty and awareness.

Challenges of Integrating AI in Marketing Campaigns

Much like there are two sides to the coin, there are certain challenges or cons that AI naysayers have in mind. Let’s check out some of them.

  • Lack of human touch and personalization: AI may not be able to replicate the emotional intelligence and personal touch that human marketers can provide. Building strong customer relationships often requires empathy, intuition, and the ability to adapt to unique situations, which are areas where AI may fall short.
  • Ethical concerns and privacy issues: AI-powered marketing techniques heavily rely on collecting and analyzing user data to provide targeted advertisements and personalized experiences. However, this raises ethical concerns and privacy issues, as consumers may be worried about their privacy and the potential misuse of their personal information. If not properly addressed, these concerns can lead to a loss of trust, damaging a brand's reputation and success.
  • Dependence on data accuracy and quality: AI algorithms rely on high-quality, accurate data to make informed decisions and predictions. However, data can be imperfect, incomplete, or biased, leading to poor outcomes. Additionally, AI systems require continuous training and updating to adapt to changing trends and user behaviors. Marketers relying solely on AI without ensuring data accuracy and quality can result in misguided strategies and ineffective campaigns.
  • Limited creativity and intuition: Creativity and intuition are crucial components of successful marketing campaigns. However, when relying solely on AI, there are certain limitations in creativity and innovation. It may lack the ability to generate innovative ideas or think outside the box. These limitations can result in AI-driven marketing strategies becoming formulaic and lacking the human touch that sparks true creativity.
  • Implementation challenges: Implementing AI for marketing campaigns may require significant investment in terms of budget, time, and resources. Marketers may also face technical difficulties or compatibility issues when integrating AI tools and platforms with their existing systems. Moreover, marketers may need to acquire new skills or hire experts to use AI for their marketing campaigns effectively.

Key Applications and Use Cases of AI in Marketing

There are multiple use cases of leveraging AI skillfully and ethically in a brand’s marketing strategies. Some of them are;

  • Media Buying: AI can help a business find the best ad and media placements to reach their target audience and increase their marketing strategy ROI.
  • Analyzing Data: AI can help marketers save time and effort by collecting and analyzing large amounts of marketing data from various campaigns and programs instead of manually sorting them.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): AI can help marketers generate human-like language for various purposes, such as content creation, customer service bots, experience personalization, and more.

Other use cases include content generation and real-time personalization, to name a few aspects.


AI in Content Marketing: How to Create and Distribute Engaging Content & Design Experiences with AI

Ways AI can help with content marketing- In a nutshell
Research, write, and optimize content for audience and SEO Personalize, automate, and measure content distribution
Augment the website design process: create sitemaps, wireframes, style guides Save time, effort, and resources in content creation and marketing

In this section, we will shed light on how marketers can leverage the power of AI in taking your SEO game to the next level, as well as rendering the penultimate wings of freedom in elements of design.

How AI can help you research, write, and optimize content for your audience and SEO

Every brand has a specific tone, voice, and segment of audience centered around which they create their content pillars. With a plethora of ever-evolving AI tools at our disposal, the process of content generation has witnessed a boost in the speed of churning out relevant content that may serve as a skeletal framework for humans with an eye for the written word to build upon.

Once you have the framework ready for a blog copy or even that email or social media post copy, human writers can easily work their magic and infuse just the right amount of brand flavor, chutzpah, quirk, and that WOW factor that machine learning is yet to replicate!

Here’s how AI can help you rank higher on those SERPs with fresh, off-the-oven-baked blogs and copies that make your writers’ work easier and stay true to the brand’s voice!

  • Research is often the make or mar ingredient of every well-written or curated piece of content. The good news is that we roped in our team techie to share his latest learnings on AI, and he came up with this super cool custom-made bot (generated using Botpress) that can help content creators analyze a particular URL and ask questions about it! How cool is that? This saves the time involved in reading each blog, assimilating parts that you think might be relevant, and then getting down to the process of framing and writing the piece based on similar research through multiple resources.
  • When we interacted with our SEO experts, they had the following insights to offer,
    1. Currently, they are focussing majorly on deploying AI for generating content and automating redundant tasks in the field of SEO. They have successfully deployed Publer.io to deep dive into and leverage all elements of local SEO.
    2. With a future goal of being an AI-empowered company in the years to come, they make use of Chat GPT 4.0 and have also invested in the paid version of Jasper.
    3. Here’s a list of AI tools that they have experimented with to automate their repetitive and time-consuming tasks.
      Time Consuming SEO Tasks Recommended AI Tools
      Internal Linking Tasks Ahrefs Tool
      Image Alt Text Task Chat GPT 4.0 using API
      Creating Guest Blogging Prospects Website List Linkhunter.com
      Writing Meta Description Chat GPT 4.0 using API
      Creating Topic Ideas Chat GPT 4.0
      Content Planning Chat GPT API
    4. With a lack of free versions of AI tools and an absence of solid branding, there is a major lack of trust in investing in the paid version of multiple AI tools that can be repackaged using Python script running on existing Chat GPT API.
    5. With regards to content quality generated using AI, they voiced mixed emotions. Firstly, it is definitely making life easier for professionals, as well as helping firms cut corners wherever possible. Secondly, experts have voiced concerns over AI rehashing existing content from websites that are already ranking and serving it to the viewers. However, people are usually on the lookout for fresh, unadulterated content. However, AI can definitely not match the finesse and content quality dished out by a human expert in the field. So, as of now, the content generated by AI may be identified by Google as something that doesn’t offer any extra value to the user and, therefore, might not rank on SERPs.
    6. Google might come out with algorithm updates to identify content and suitably filter out AI-generated content that doesn’t add more value. The end goal is to offer value to the end consumer.
    7. In the EEAT ranking factors, the experience factor might be totally missing in AI-generated content. Therefore, the experts conceded on one point that in generating numerical value or customer-journey-related content, AI might help deliver content that works. However, in YMYL topics, human experts are still the best to bank on!
    8. They also had an interesting observation to share that AI-generated content ranked on Google SERPs only for a fortnight or so and then lost its position to those that were probably written by human experts who had the experience and relevant content to offer.
    9. The reliability and trustworthiness of AI-based tools is still a major loophole that needs to be addressed before we can hand over the reins of content and SEO to intelligence that is not entirely human.

How AI Can Help You Personalize, Automate, and Measure Content Distribution Across Channels

AI can help you personalize, automate, and measure content distribution across channels in various ways. Here are some examples:

  • AI can help you draft personalized content for different audiences, platforms, and devices. You can use AI to analyze your audience's preferences, behavior, and needs and deliver tailored content that will resonate with them. For example, Persado is an AI platform that helps you generate creative and effective messages for your marketing campaigns.
  • AI can help you automate the process of content creation and distribution. You can use AI to generate content from outlines, repurpose content for different channels, and create support content like newsletters and social posts. For example, Jasper is an AI writing assistant that can create SEO-optimized blog posts, emails, and other written marketing materials based on seed words and tone of voice.
  • AI can help you measure your content performance and optimize your strategy. You can use AI to collect and analyze data from various sources, such as web analytics, social media, and customer feedback. You can also use AI to test different versions of your content and find the best one for your goals. For example, Optimizely is a platform that uses AI to create personalized web experiences based on real-time data.

How To Use AI Tools and Platforms for Content Creation and Marketing

AI tools and platforms can help you with various aspects of content creation and marketing, such as generating ideas, writing, editing, optimizing, and distributing content. Here are some steps you can follow to use AI tools and platforms for content creation and marketing:


Identify your content goals and audience. Before you use any AI tool or platform, you need to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve with your content and who you want to reach. This will help you choose the right AI tool or platform for your needs and tailor your content accordingly.


Research and brainstorm content ideas. You can use AI tools and platforms to generate content ideas based on your keywords, topics, or industry. For example, you can use ChatGPT to brainstorm ideas for social media posts, blog articles, newsletters, and more. You can also use Kive.ai to create mood boards for your video projects based on the style or tone you want to emulate.


Write and edit your content. You can use AI tools and platforms to write short and long content pieces, such as headlines, captions, summaries, paragraphs, and more. For example, you can use Jasper to write SEO-optimized blog posts, emails, and other written marketing materials based on seed words and tone of voice. You can also use Grammarly to check your grammar, spelling, tone, and readability scores.


Optimize your content for SEO and conversions. You can use AI tools and platforms to amp up your search rankings and drive more organic traffic to your website. For example, you can use AlliAI to optimize your website for SERPs in just minutes. You can also use Persado to generate creative and effective messages for your marketing campaigns that resonate with your audience.


Create visual and audio content. You can use AI tools and platforms to create engaging and attractive visual and audio content to capture your audience's attention and interest. For example, you can use Lumen to turn your text into videos in minutes. You can also use Lilt to create multilingual content with speed and accuracy.


Distribute your content across channels. You can use AI tools and platforms to automate your content distribution process across different channels, such as social media, email, web, etc. In addition to the previously mentioned Optimizely, you can also use Predis.ai to analyze your competitors' social media strategies and optimize your own.

Deploying AI in Augmenting
The Design Process

When we collaborated with the design and web development experts on our team to understand their journey so far with using AI tools to complement the design process, this is what they had to say.

  • The idea was to leverage AI tools that will help designers with the research part, wherein earlier, they had to go through references on Google for creating sitemaps, information architecture, wireframes, and carrying out competitor analysis before designing a user interface.
  • This process of research takes a day or two manually. This is where Relume comes into the picture to simplify a day or two long process into a couple of minutes by generating sitemaps, wireframes, and the like by giving simple prompts.
  • For instance, if the client needs a website for a SaaS product, then you can use the following company description in the Generate Sitemap text box: “A SaaS-based company with three products that are automation-oriented.”Also, remember to insert the number of pages. Then, proceed to click on “Generate.”
  • The platform then automatically proceeds to generate a Primary Sitemap for the website along with the list of sections that should be covered.
  • The designer can use the drag and drop feature to adjust the sections as per their convenience or delete a section/s that they do not deem fit.
  • Once the designer is satisfied with the sitemap, they can proceed toward generating the wireframe, which will be generated automatically.
  • Conclusively, the tool can help you create sitemap wireframes, shuffle the elements, add or eliminate sections, and experiment with multiple wireframe layouts available in the tools’s library. This helps create first drafts for client perusal within minutes so that they can clearly envision the look and feel of their upcoming website. The editable feature of the page copy also helps in making any last-minute changes the client might recommend.
  • The wireframe can be easily exported to Figma, a design tool. The Figma Relume Library has multiple style guides that can be made to reflect in the end design automatically. The process of creating a style guide, which also takes a lot of time, is saved over here. The Figma Relume library plugin does not run on AI elements; it simply helps integrate style guides in the wireframes created on Relume.
  • Relume also has the option to export the wireframe to Webflow, which is a CMS platform similar to Wix & Framer. With a very design-friendly interface, Webflow helps create websites using drag and drop editor.
  • The whole process of creating a sitemap, exporting it into Figma, and then exporting it into a first draft homepage took around 8-10 hours, which normally takes 3-4 days to complete (once it undergoes the design and development cycle without using AI.)
  • It is important to note that the AI elements are restricted only till Relume. The rest of the process has been set up in such a way that it takes less time to create the web pages.
  • Human intervention is still needed to ensure seamless quality and turnout of the responsive pages.
  • The TAT of delivering a five-page website to the client using AI comes down to one week by making use of AI tools instead of the erstwhile three to four weeks. These are examples of webpages designed using Relume, Figma & Webflow by our designers at Mavlers: https://spiritflow.webflow.io/, https://indiegigs.webflow.io/.
  • Figma AI Email Library has also revolutionized the process of designing emailers at Mavlers. Erstwhile, it took our designers approximately three to four hours to design an emailer, and they took one day’s time to show the first proof concept to the client. The designers have created a style guide in Figma similar to the one mentioned earlier, with ten-fifteen incorporated elements such as logo, header, hero banner, etc. By making use of this Figma Email Library, designers can now design an emailer in one hour instead of the usual three to four hours. The elements or sections are created using Figma Auto Layout. There is a tool known as Magician Plugin, which is a magical design tool for Figma powered by AI. This can be used to generate unique and relevant icons, copies, and images.
  • For a moment, close your eyes and imagine the following scenario, you are a designer with an awesome design up your sleeves and you are ready to deliver the first proof to your client. Now think of a scenario where you could let the client know the expected user engagement with specific portions of the design and its overall clarity. Yes! You can now deploy the power of Attention Insights, a Figma plugin that turns your dream into reality with the following three USPs;
  • Delivers crucial feedback in less than a minute
  • Provides AI-generated predictive attention analytics that are 90-96% accurate
  • No data leak worries with 100% GDPR and privacy compliance

Another cool feature of this tool is the added value that you can offer to your clients along with the AI generated heatmaps. If the clarity is not optimum, you can tweak the design and deliver the optimized design version.

  • We are all familiar with leveraging MidJourney for creating images. Designers at team awesome@Mavlers experimented with Dall-e3 in Chat GPT Plus and came up with realistic images that gave serious competition to the outputs of MidJourney. These images can be used in websites or other design platforms after citing due credits to Dall-e 3.
  • If you are an avid user of Photoshop & Illustrator, you can make use of Generative AI feature that can help you edit, extend their size or remove portions of the images you created using Dall-e 3.
  • We are all privy to the levels of market, industry and UX research that goes into building an app or product. QoQo.ai offers solutions for problem statements that can help one design landing pages according to user needs. It can be used to create user personas, carry out journey mapping, affinity mapping, design briefs, etc.

Faster & Better! Design emails, landing pages, banners, and more with Mavlers’ team of experts.


AI in Social Media Marketing:
How to Connect and Convert with AI

Ways AI can help with Social Media Marketing- In a nutshell
Understand, segment, and target your social media audience Create, schedule, and optimize social media posts and ads
Engage with your audience by setting up chatbots, joining viral conversations, providing feedback Monitor and analyze your social media performance by collecting and analyzing data

In this section, we will delve into how AI can help marketers segment their target audience, create, schedule, and optimize social media ads and posts as well as an insight into AI tools relevant for social media management and analytics.

How AI can help you understand, segment, and target your social media audience.

AI can help you understand, segment, and target your social media audience in various ways. Here are some examples:

  • AI can help you create social content that matches your audience's preferences, interests, and needs. You can use Chat GPT to generate content ideas, and write captions, headlines, summaries, and more.
  • AI can help you provide customer service to your social media audience. You can use AI to set up chatbots that can respond to your customers' queries, requests, and feedback.
  • AI can help you identify new trends and viral topics across social platforms. You can use AI to analyze your audience's behavior, conversations, and sentiments, and discover emerging patterns and opportunities. For example, Kive.ai is an AI tool that helps you create mood boards for your video projects based on the style or tone you want to emulate.
  • AI can help you analyze brand sentiment and reputation on social media. You can use AI to sort through posts, comments, and reviews, and provide insight into your audience's feelings about your products or services. For example, Predis.ai is an AI tool that helps you analyze your competitors' social media strategies and optimize your own using social listening.
  • AI can help you target social ads to the right audience segments. You can use AI to optimize your ad campaigns based on real-time data and feedback. You can also use AI to generate creative and effective messages for your ads.

How AI can help you create, schedule, and optimize social media posts and ads:

With the help of AI tools, one can create, schedule, and optimize social media posts and ads in multiple ways. Here are some ways to do that:

  • As mentioned above, AI tools, such as WriteSonic or Chat GPT, can help you generate social media content that matches your audience's preferences, interests, and needs.
  • AI can help you schedule your social media posts and ads at the best times and frequencies. You can use AI to analyze your audience's behavior, engagement, and conversion patterns, and find the optimal times and frequencies to post or advertise. For example, Sprout Social is a platform that uses AI to help you plan, organize, and deliver your social media content across multiple channels.
  • AI can help you optimize the reach of your social media posts and ads for maximum performance and ROI. You can use AI to test different versions of your content and ads, and find the best one for your goals. You can also use AI to monitor your results, and adjust your strategy accordingly. For example, Optimizely is a platform that uses AI to create personalized web experiences based on real-time data.

How to use AI tools and platforms for social media management and analytics:

AI tools and platforms can help you with various aspects of social media management and analytics, such as creating content, scheduling posts, engaging with followers, monitoring performance, and optimizing strategy. Here are some steps you can follow to use AI tools and platforms for social media management and analytics:


Choose the right AI tool or platform for your social media goals and needs. While choosing amongst the many AI tools available in the market, consider factors such as your budget, your target audience, your preferred channels, your content type, and your desired outcomes. For example, if you want to curate engaging visual content for your social media posts, you can use Lumen5, an AI-powered video maker that helps you turn your text into videos in minutes.


Link your social media accounts to your AI tool or platform. You should be able to link your social media accounts to your AI tool or platform easily and securely. This will enable you to manage your social media content from one place. For example, if you use Sprout Social, a platform that uses AI to help you plan, organize, and deliver your social media content across multiple channels, you can connect your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest accounts to Sprout Social.


Create and schedule your social media content using AI. You can use AI to generate content ideas, and write captions, headlines, summaries, and more. You can also use AI to schedule your social media posts at the best times and frequencies based on your audience's behavior, engagement, and conversion patterns. For example, if you use ChatGPT, an AI tool to brainstorm ideas for social media posts, blog articles, newsletters, and more based on your keywords, topics, or industry, you can create captivating social media posts in minutes. You can also use Optimizely, a platform that uses AI to create personalized web experiences based on real-time data, to optimize your social media posts for maximum performance and ROI.


Engage with your social media audience using AI. You can use AI to provide customer service to your social media audience by setting up chatbots that can respond to their queries, requests, and feedback. You can also use AI to identify new trends and viral topics across social platforms and join the conversation. For example, if you use Sprout Social, you can use their chatbot to cater to their customers' support needs on Twitter.


Monitor and analyze your social media performance using AI. You can use AI to collect and analyze data from various sources, such as web analytics, social media analytics, and customer feedback. You can also use AI for social listening by using sentiment analysis. For example, if you use Predis.ai, an AI tool that helps you analyze your competitors' social media strategies and optimize your own, you can get a comprehensive report on your social media campaign performance, including metrics such as reach, engagement, conversions, sentiment, etc.

Manage your clients’ social media marketing with ease with Mavlers.


AI in Email Marketing:
How to Deliver and Delight with AI

Ways AI can help with Email Marketing- In a nutshell
Build, segment, and update your email list Design, write, and test email campaigns and subject lines
Automate,optimize your email marketing by analyzing customer data and behavior

In this chapter of the ebook, we will familiarize ourselves with the ways to build, segment, and update your email list with the help of AI tools, and generate, test email campaigns, subject lines in addition to email marketing optimization and automation.

We got in touch with the email development experts on our team and they were kind enough to share their repertoire of productivity-enhancing AI-powered tools. Feel free to take notes, amazing people!

  • Magicul ~ An amazing addition to their tech stack, they use it for exporting PSD and other format files seamlessly into Figma.
  • Marka ~ Alohamora! Lo and behold! This cool tool can be used to convert Figma files into HTML in a couple of minutes.

Here are some breathtaking insights into the results afforded by deploying these tools. Take a look!

  • Over a couple of months, the number of email development orders completed using tools shot up from 3% in October to a whopping 14% in November 2023.
  • In terms of man-hours consumed, the average time taken using these tools to deliver orders is around three hours and twenty minutes, which is a major improvement over the five and a half hours spent coding orders manually. This translates into a neat 50% increase in efficiency.

How AI can help you build, segment, and update your email list

With the help of AI tools and platforms, marketers can build, segment, and update their email list in various ways. Here are some examples:

  • It can help you generate leads and grow your email list by creating landing pages, forms, pop-ups, and quizzes that capture your visitors' attention and interest. For example, Leadformly is an AI-powered tool that helps you create high-converting lead capture forms.
  • AI can help segment your email list based on your subscribers' behavior, preferences, and needs. You can use AI to analyze your subscribers' data, such as their location, device, purchase history, engagement level, and more. You can also use it to create dynamic segments that update automatically based on your criteria. For example, Mailchimp is a platform that uses AI to help you segment your email list and deliver personalized content to each segment.
  • It can help you update your email list by removing inactive or invalid subscribers, preventing spam complaints, and improving your deliverability and reputation. You can use AI to monitor your email campaigns and identify subscribers who are not opening or clicking your emails. It can also be deployed to verify your email addresses and remove any bounced or unsubscribed emails. For example, ZeroBounce is an AI-powered tool that helps you clean and validate your email list.

How AI can help you design, write, and test email campaigns and subject lines:

AI can help marketers design, write, and test email campaigns and subject lines in numerous ways. Let's check out some of them:

  • AI can help you design email campaigns that match your brand identity, goals, and audience. You can use AI to create templates, layouts, colors, fonts, and images that suit your style and purpose. Designers at Mavlers have used the Figma AI library and Magician plugin to design emailers in less than an hour, as mentioned in the design chapter.
  • AI can help you write email campaigns that are clear, concise, and persuasive. You can use AI to generate content ideas, headlines, summaries, paragraphs, and more. You can also use AI to check your grammar, spelling, tone, and readability. For example, Jasper is an AI writing assistant that can help you write SEO-optimized blog posts, emails, and other written marketing materials based on seed words and tone of voice.
  • AI can help you test email campaigns and subject lines for effectiveness and optimization. You can use it to test different versions of your email campaigns and subject lines, and find the best one for your goals. For example, SubjectLine is an AI-powered tool that helps you test and optimize your email subject lines for open rates.

How to use AI tools and platforms for email marketing automation and optimization

Using AI tools and platforms for email marketing automation and optimization can greatly enhance your campaign's effectiveness and efficiency. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to leverage AI for these purposes:

  • Choose the Right AI Tools/Platforms: Research and select AI-powered email marketing tools or platforms that align with your business needs and budget. Some popular options include HubSpot, Mailchimp, Salesforce Marketing Cloud, and Marketo.
  • Data Collection and Integration: Collect and integrate relevant data from your CRM, website, and other sources into the chosen AI platform. This data will help AI algorithms personalize and target your email campaigns effectively.
  • Segmentation and Personalization: AI can analyze your customer data and segment your audience into different categories based on behaviors, demographics, preferences, and more. Leverage this information to generate personalized email content for each segment.
  • Subject Line and Content Optimization: AI tools can help optimize subject lines, email copy, and CTAs for better engagement. These tools deploy natural language processing (NLP) to suggest improvements that are more likely to resonate with your audience.
  • Send Time Optimization: AI can analyze the historical engagement patterns of your subscribers and recommend the best times to send emails. This increases the chances of your emails being opened and read.
  • Predictive Analytics: Use AI-powered predictive analytics to forecast which subscribers are more likely to convert, churn, or engage with your emails. This can empower you to prioritize your marketing efforts and tailor campaigns accordingly.
  • A/B Testing and Iteration: AI platforms can automate A/B testing of different email elements, such as subject lines, images, and calls to action. The AI will analyze the results and help you optimize your emails over time.
  • Dynamic Content Insertion: Incorporate dynamic content blocks that adapt to individual subscriber preferences, behavior, and interactions. This creates a highly personalized experience that resonates with each recipient.
  • Optimize Send Frequency: AI can help you determine the ideal frequency of emails for each subscriber. Avoid overloading inboxes, which could lead to unsubscribes, by sending emails when recipients are most likely to engage.
  • Automated Workflows: Implement automated workflows triggered by user actions, such as sign-ups or purchases. AI can guide subscribers through personalized journeys on the basis of their interactions with your emails and website.
  • Segment Performance Analysis: Continuously monitor and analyze the performance of different segments. AI can provide insights into which segments are responding positively and which might need adjustments.
  • Behavioral Retargeting: Use AI to identify subscribers who have shown interest but haven't converted. Set up retargeting campaigns to re-engage these individuals with relevant content and offers.
  • Feedback Analysis: AI can analyze user feedback from emails, such as clicks, opens, and replies, to gain insights into subscriber preferences and sentiments.
  • Compliance and Privacy: Ensure that your use of AI tools and platforms complies with data protection regulations such as GDPR or CCPA. AI should be used ethically and responsibly.
  • Continuous Learning and Improvement: Regularly review and analyze the performance of your email campaigns. Use AI-driven insights to refine your strategies and improve future campaigns.

By following these steps and leveraging AI tools and platforms, you can automate and optimize your email marketing efforts, leading to more effective campaigns, higher engagement, and better overall ROIs.

Email templates, campaign management, and automation taking too much of your time?


AI in PPC Advertising:
How to Bid and Win with AI

Ways AI can help with PPC Advertising- In a nutshell
Research, plan, and execute PPC campaigns Optimize your bids, budgets, keywords, creatives, and landing pages
Streamline your PPC advertising efforts

We got in touch with PPC experts on our team @Mavlers regarding what kind of AI interventions were they deploying in their campaigns to achieve better daily functions and ROIs. This is what they had to say and share in a nutshell.

Problem Statements Validation Results Better/Faster Key Metrics
Ad copies, content writing Copy.ai has proven to be a good choice, Zeno Chat is still a little far out there! A better and faster option than going through the traditional writer route. Time saving, good quality ad copies
Keywords Research Ryan Robinson’s Keyword Tool has been great for A good and efficient option Good quality results, multiple options, time saving

For creating ad copy, they utilize tools such as Copy.ai, ZenoCHAT, Chat GPT, and Harpa.ai. They mix and match copies generated through multiple AI tools. They also noticed that the ad copies generated using such tools got a good score on the copy quality as well as took less time than when they followed the conventional route of going through a writer.

  1. One just needs to mention the keywords, character limit, etc., in the prompt to get better results in terms of getting good ad copies, headlines, and descriptions.
  2. For keyword research, they aren’t currently using any AI tool. They are using Google Keyword Planner as of now. They have tried using Ryan Robinson’s Keyword tool, which yielded quality results efficiently with multiple keyword suggestions. One can then paste these keywords in Google Ad Planners and find out their CPCs, etc.
  3. For landing page design, Relume has already been discussed in the first chapter.
  4. For Ad Creatives, there are multiple AI tools that help create images and videos that can reduce the TAT as compared to going through a designer in a conventional way. However, they have yet to explore these tools for designing images and videos.
  5. Another cool AI tool that our PPC ninjas have explored and validated is Gimmefy.ai .It comes equipped with multiple copywriting abilities that marketers can exploit to the fullest. Once you exhaust the first fifty credits, you will have to invest in a paid version of the tool. But the question is, is it worth your dollars?! Hell yeah! So, our team noticed a fifty percent increase in efficiency when they used the said AI tool for coming up with a PPC ad campaign, email content, and landing page deliverables. Tasks that earlier demanded a day’s time of writing and research can now be accomplished within a neat 6-7 hours window. Super cool, we say! Interestingly, it also offers to curate copy in different formats such as AIDA, BABA, and PAS models. Take your pick, people! In case you aren’t satisfied with the first draft, you can always ask for a fresh response, though that will take up some credits.
  6. One of our PPC team members curated a cool prompt for ChatGPT in order to hyper-personalize the process of outreach for link building. This amped up productivity and reduced the time invested to a neat ten-minute task instead of an hour or two of dedicated research and efforts by an outreach executive. The prompt goes something like this,

    “I'm writing a content collaboration email to [website name].

    Get demo companies to show their product engagingly and delightfully. They have recently written articles on the following topics.


    So, with this list of topics in mind, can you develop some original and compelling titles that can interest the Podium team to consider us for writing on their blog? The title you create should be relevant to email marketing and the related posts given. Hence, the title should contain the word "email". I need at least 10 title suggestions from you. Use colloquial expressions for titles. The title should be technical or hack-based content. Make the titles cohesive; strictly don't use colons in titles. Titles must be less than 60 characters. Do not use action words or superlatives. Write them in a neutral tone.”

    This is the output that we were served,

    1. "Email Marketing Lift-Off: Hacking Conversions with Top Landing Page Builders"
    2. "Popup Precision: Craft Email Campaigns with 7 Must-Have Examples"
    3. "Unveiling Marketing Metrics: Your Go-To Guide for Email Success"
    4. "Boosting Email ROI: The Insider’s Guide to Superior Landing Pages"
    5. "Crack the Code: Personalized Popups for Email Engagement Mastery"
    6. "Email Evolution: Transforming Metrics into Marketing Gold"
    7. "Landing Page Alchemy: 5 Builders for Email Conversion Alacrity"
    8. "Popup Wizardry: Unearth the Secrets Behind 7 Conversion Kings"
    9. "The Email Equation: Masterful Metrics for Marketing Triumph"
    10. "Conversion Chronicles: How Top Landing Page Builders Redefine Email Success."

    Another problem statement that our PPC ninjas were able to address deploying AI seamlessly was bridging the gap between the marketing and design teams. This was achieved using Dall-E. To quote the ninjas themselves, “One of the trickiest parts of promoting stuff on social media is ensuring the design team gets what we want without spending ages explaining it. You know how it goes—marketing talks one language, design talks another. It's even worse when we're all swamped and need things ASAP.

    So, to dodge that whole mess, we started using Dall-E. We cook up images that match what we need, toss them to the design team, and let them sprinkle their magic. It's like a shortcut that saves us from hours of back-and-forth, ensuring we have the perfect picture.”

Optimizing bids, budgets, keywords, creatives, landing pages can be too much to handle for too many clients.

How AI can help you research, plan, and execute PPC campaigns across search, display, video, and social networks.

AI can play a significant role in researching, planning, and executing PPC (Pay-Per-Click) campaigns across various platforms, such as search engines, display networks, video platforms, and social networks. Here's how AI can assist you at each stage of the process:

01. Research

Keyword Research:

AI can analyze massive amounts of data to churn out relevant keywords and search terms with high search volume and low competition. This helps you target the right keywords for your campaigns.

Competitor Analysis:

AI tools can analyze your competitors' ad strategies, keywords, and performance metrics to help you understand the competitive landscape.

Audience Insights:

AI can provide insights into audience demographics, interests, and online behaviors, helping you refine your targeting strategies.

02. Planning:

Budget Allocation:

AI algorithms can suggest optimal budget allocations for different platforms and campaigns based on historical data and performance predictions.

Bid Management:

AI-powered bid management tools can adjust bids in real-time to optimize ad placements and maximize ROI.

Ad Copy and Creative Generation:

AI can generate ad copy variations and creative assets that are more likely to ring home with your target audience.

03. Execution:

Ad Campaign Setup:

AI can automate the process of creating ad campaigns, including setting up ad groups, ad placements, and targeting options across multiple platforms.

Ad Personalization:

AI tools can dynamically customize ad content based on user context, increasing the relevance of your ads.

Real-time Optimization:

AI can monitor campaign performance in real-time and make automatic adjustments to bidding, targeting, and ad placement to achieve the best results.

04. Performance Analysis:

Data Analysis:

AI can analyze and process large volumes of data quickly to provide insights into campaign performance metrics such as clicks, conversions, and cost-per-click.

Pattern Recognition:

AI algorithms can identify patterns and trends in campaign data, helping you understand what's working and what needs improvement.

Predictive Analytics:

AI can predict future performance based on historical data, helping you make informed decisions about campaign adjustments.

05. Ad Testing and Optimization:

A/B Testing:

AI can automate the A/B testing process by testing different ad variations and providing recommendations for the most effective combinations.

Multivariate Testing:

AI can test multiple variables simultaneously, optimizing various aspects of your ads and landing pages.

06. Audience Targeting:

Lookalike Audiences:

AI can analyze your existing customer data to identify patterns and create lookalike audiences that share characteristics similar to your best customers.

Behavioral Targeting:

AI tools can analyze user behavior to target individuals who are more likely to engage with your ads based on their online activities.

07. Ad Format Optimization:

Dynamic Ad Creation:

AI can dynamically generate ad content based on user intent, device, location, and other factors.

Format Adaptation:

AI can optimize ad formats for different platforms, ensuring your ads look and perform well across search, display, video, and social networks.

08. Cross-Channel Campaign Coordination:

Unified Insights:

AI platforms can provide a holistic view of your campaigns across different channels, making it easier to coordinate strategies and budgets.

Automated Cross-Channel Adjustments:

AI can automatically allocate budgets and optimize bids across channels based on real-time performance data.

By harnessing AI's capabilities for researching, planning, and executing PPC campaigns, you can streamline your efforts, improve targeting precision, enhance ad performance, and achieve better overall campaign results across diverse online platforms.

How AI can help you optimize your bids, budgets, keywords, creatives, and landing pages

AI can help you optimize your bids, budgets, keywords, creatives, and landing pages in various ways. Here are some examples:

  • It can help you optimize your bids and budgets by using machine learning algorithms to analyze your campaign performance, your competitors' strategies, and the market conditions. AI can also help you automate your bidding and budgeting process by adjusting them in real-time based on your goals and feedback. For example, WordStream is a platform that uses AI to help you create and optimize your PPC campaigns across Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, YouTube Ads, and Microsoft Ads.
  • AI can help you optimize your keywords by using natural language processing (NLP) to understand your audience's search intent, queries, and behavior. AI can also help you generate relevant and profitable keywords based on your products, services, or industry. For example, SpyFu is an AI-powered tool that helps you research your competitors' keywords, ads, and strategies.
  • AI can help you optimize your creatives by using computer vision and generative adversarial networks (GANs) to create compelling and effective images, videos, and animations for your ads. AI can also help you test different versions of your creatives and find the best one for your goals. For example, Persado is an AI platform that helps you generate creative and persuasive messages for your PPC campaigns.
  • AI can help you optimize your landing pages by using web design and user experience (UX) principles to create attractive and responsive landing pages that suit your style and purpose. AI can also help you personalize your landing pages based on your audience's preferences, needs, and behavior. For example, Unbounce is an AI-powered tool that helps you generate and optimize landing pages that convert.

These are some of the ways that AI can help you optimize your bids, budgets, keywords, creatives, and landing pages.

How to use AI tools and platforms for PPC advertising management and analytics

AI tools and platforms can help you with various aspects of PPC advertising management and analytics, such as creating, launching, and optimizing PPC campaigns, tracking and measuring PPC performance, and improving PPC ROI. Here are some steps you can follow to use AI tools and platforms for PPC advertising management and analytics:

Step 01

Choose the right AI tool or platform for your PPC advertising goals and needs. There are many AI tools and platforms available in the market, each with different features and functionalities. You should consider factors such as your budget, your target audience, your preferred channels, your content type, and your desired outcomes. For example, if you want to create and optimize PPC campaigns across Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, YouTube Ads, and Microsoft Ads, you can use WordStream, a platform that uses AI to help you create and optimize your PPC campaigns.

Step 02

Connect your PPC advertising account to your AI tool or platform. You should be able to link your PPC advertising account to your AI tool or platform easily and securely. This will allow you to access and manage your PPC campaigns from one place. For example, if you use WordStream, you can connect your Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, YouTube Ads, and Microsoft Ads accounts to WordStream.

Step 03

Create and launch your PPC campaigns using AI. You can use AI to generate content ideas, headlines, summaries, paragraphs, images, videos, and more for your PPC campaigns. You can also use AI to optimize your bids, budgets, keywords, creatives, and landing pages based on real-time data and feedback. For example, if you use Persado, an AI platform that helps you generate creative and persuasive messages for your PPC campaigns, you can create captivating ads in minutes.

Step 04

Track and analyze your PPC campaigns using AI. You can use AI to collect and analyze data from various sources, such as web analytics, conversion tracking, customer feedback, and more. You can also use AI to provide insight into how your PPC campaigns are affecting your business goals, such as sales, leads, or brand awareness. For example, if you use Predis.ai, an AI tool that helps you analyze your competitors' social media strategies and optimize your own, you can get a comprehensive report on your PPC campaign performance, including metrics such as impressions, clicks, conversions, cost per click (CPC), cost per acquisition (CPA), return on ad spend (ROAS), etc.

These are some of the steps you can follow to use AI tools and platforms for PPC advertising management and analytics.


AI in Video Marketing:
How to Produce and Promote with AI

Ways AI can help with Video Marketing- In a nutshell
Create, edit, and enhance video content Distribute, optimize, and monetize video content
Streamline your video marketing efforts

It's a proven fact that consumers like engaging with video content, and according to the findings of a recent study, 91% of consumers would love to see more AV content from brands, while 86% of businesses already use video content in their marketing campaigns.

In this chapter, we will delve deep into the ways you can leverage AI in creating, optimizing, distributing, and monetizing video content across platforms.

How AI can help you create, edit, and enhance video content for your audience and SEO

AI has revolutionized the way video content is created, edited, and enhanced, offering a range of tools and techniques that can benefit both your audience and your SEO efforts. Here's how AI can help you in these areas:

01. Video Creation

AI-powered tools can assist in various stages of video creation, from conceptualization to production:

Content Ideas:

AI can analyze trending topics and user preferences to suggest content ideas that are likely to resonate with your audience.


AI can generate scripts based on your input, optimizing for readability and relevance. This can save time and ensure your video's messaging is on point.


AI-generated voiceovers sound increasingly natural, allowing you to choose different tones and languages for your videos.

Automated Video Generation:

AI can assemble video clips, images, and text into coherent videos, which is particularly useful for creating videos from templates or for generating quick updates.

02. Video Editing:

AI can significantly speed up and improve the video editing process:

Automated Editing:

AI can analyze footage and automatically edit together the most relevant scenes, saving time and effort.

Visual Effects:

AI can enhance visual elements, like stabilizing shaky footage, removing background noise, and improving lighting.

Transitions and Montages:

AI can suggest creative transition styles and montage sequences to make your videos more engaging.

03. Video Enhancement:

AI tools can enhance the quality and appeal of your videos. For example, Kapwing is an AI-powered online video editor that helps you edit and enhance your videos with ease:


AI can upscale lower-resolution videos, improving their quality and making them suitable for larger screens.

Color Correction:

AI can analyze and adjust colors for better visual consistency and appeal.

Background Replacement:

AI can replace video backgrounds with custom images or videos, allowing for more professional-looking settings.

Object Removal:

AI can identify and remove unwanted objects or distractions from videos.

04. Audience Engagement and SEO:

AI can play a crucial role in optimizing your video content for both SEO and user engagement. For instance, Tubebuddy is an AI-powered tool that helps you optimize your YouTube videos for SEO and growth.


AI can analyze user preferences and viewing history to recommend relevant videos, increasing engagement and watch time.

Transcription and Subtitles:

AI can automatically generate accurate transcriptions and subtitles, improving accessibility and SEO by making your video content searchable.

Keyword Analysis:

AI tools can help identify high-performing keywords related to your video content, enabling you to optimize titles, descriptions, and tags for SEO.

Metadata Generation:

AI can assist in generating relevant metadata, making your videos more discoverable on platforms like YouTube.

Remember that while AI can offer numerous benefits, a human touch is still important to ensure the final product aligns with your brand, messaging, and goals. It's also essential to keep up with the latest developments in AI tools and techniques to take full advantage of their capabilities.

How AI can help you distribute, optimize, and monetize video content across platforms.

There are multiple ways by which one can leverage AI to distribute, optimize, and monetize video content across platforms. Let's check out some instances:

  • AI can help you distribute your video content to the right audience and platform. You can use AI to analyze your audience's preferences, behavior, and needs and deliver tailored video content that will resonate with them. You can also use AI to find the best platform, channel, and format for your video content. For example, Animoto is an AI-powered tool that helps you create and share stunning videos for social media, websites, and more.
  • AI can help optimize your video content for SEO and conversions. You can use AI to generate relevant and catchy titles, descriptions, tags, and thumbnails for your videos. You can also use AI to create captions, transcripts, and subtitles for your videos.
  • AI can help you monetize your video content by finding the best sponsors, advertisers, and partners for your videos. You can use AI to analyze your video performance, audience engagement, and revenue potential. You can also use AI to negotiate the best deals and terms for your video content. For example, FameBit is an AI-powered platform that helps you connect with brands and get paid for creating sponsored videos.

These are some of the ways that AI can help you distribute, optimize, and monetize video content across platforms.


AI in Web Analytics:
How to Track Metrics and Improve Them with AI

Ways AI can help with Web Analytics- In a nutshell
Collect, analyze, and visualize web data Uncover insights, trends, patterns, and opportunities from your web data
Streamline your web analytics and reporting efforts

There is a reason behind those awesome Netflix movie recommendations and Google Docs' almost uncanny ability to “complete” your sentences. You just need to press Tab, and you are good to go. You guessed it right! With the power of AI, many brands, such as the above-mentioned ones, have examined tonnes of data to know what you’d like and what you are more likely to say or write next.

We joined flanks with web development ninjas on our team and asked them to share their knowledge and experience using AI tools in their daily projects. This is what they had to share;

  • CodeWP: Made specifically for WordPress users where users can create code snippets and complex queries that would otherwise take hours to complete.
  • AndiSearch: A cool tool that is quite similar to ChatGPT it helps deliver accurate search results based on their bespoke queries.
  • Divi AI, Divi Extended: Divi AI brings the power of AI to your fingertips right inside Divi’s visual builder. You can use it to write content and generate amazing images out of thin air. In addition, the functionality helps you refine the existing website content using a set of handy, quick actions. It’s like having a content creator, copy editor, visual artist, and photographer at your beck and call.
  • Elementor AI: With Elementor AI, you’ll see a new Write with AI sign where you can create blocks with text. If you click on it, you’ll get to a new pop-up window where you’ll be able to use a few prompt suggestions or come up with your custom prompt and generate text. Upon generating the requisite text, you can modify it using additional buttons: translate the same, make it shorter/longer, simplify language, change tone, and fix spelling & grammar. But this is still in beta mode and not yet published for all users.
  • ChatGPT: A generic AI-based tool for answering all the queries and problems related to coding practices.
  • Quttera Web Malware Scanner: The Quttera Web Malware Scanner plugin will scan your website for malware, trojans, backdoors, worms, viruses, shells, spyware, and other threats, as well as JavaScript code obfuscation, exploits, malicious iframes, malicious code injection, malicious code obfuscation, auto-generated malicious content, redirects, hidden evil code and more. Also, it will check whether your website is blacklisted by Google and other blacklisting authorities. Protect your website, your website users, and your online reputation with a free Quttera Web Malware Scanner plugin.
  • BERTHA AI: Extremely useful for WooCommerce, it natively integrates with Gutenberg (yes, you don’t need a block!)
  • DebugCode ai: DebugCode helps developers debug their code more efficiently. It uses machine learning algorithms to analyze code and identify potential issues, such as syntax errors, performance bottlenecks, and security vulnerabilities. With DebugCode AI, developers can save time and reduce the complexity of debugging, enabling them to focus on other aspects of software development.
  • Blackbox IO: Quite similar to CodeWP, it helps generate code snippets, scripts, PHP functions, etc.

When asked about the increase in efficiency, this is what they had to say, “We witnessed a marked improvement of 15-20% in our efficiency with a documented decrease in man hours that amounts to a cool 40-75 hours saved! Yes, imagine the amount of extra work that they can get done in the hours saved without affecting output quality! We deployed CodeWP, AndiSearch, and Divi AI in achieving such phenomenal results.”

In this section, we will discuss the ways in which marketers can deploy the services of AI in analyzing web data from multiple sources unveiling new insights, trends, and patterns from the data collected.

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How AI can help you collect, analyze, and visualize web data from your website and other sources,

AI can help you collect, analyze, and visualize web data from your website and other sources in various ways. Here are some examples:

  • AI can help you collect web data from your website and other sources by using web scraping techniques. Web scraping refers to the process of extricating data from web pages using software tools or scripts. You can use artificial intelligence to automate web scraping tasks, such as finding relevant web pages, extracting data elements, and storing data in a structured format. For example, ParseHub is an AI-powered tool that helps you collect web data from any website without coding.
  • AI can help you analyze web data from your website and other sources by using web analytics tools. Web analytics tools are software applications that help you measure, understand, and improve your website performance and user behavior. You can use AI to enhance web analytics tools, such as providing insights, recommendations, and predictions based on your web data. For example, Google Analytics Intelligence is an AI-powered feature that helps you answer your web analytics questions using natural language.
  • AI can help you visualize web data from your website and other sources by using data visualization tools. These are software applications that enable one to present web data in a graphical or interactive way. You can use AI to improve data visualization tools, such as creating charts, graphs, dashboards, and reports based on your web data. For example, Tableau is an AI-powered tool that helps you create and share beautiful data visualizations with ease.

These are some of the ways that AI can help you collect, analyze, and visualize web data from your website and other sources.

How AI can help you uncover insights, trends, patterns, and opportunities from your web data:

AI can play a significant role in uncovering insights, trends, patterns, and opportunities from web data by leveraging its capabilities in data processing, analysis, and prediction. Here's how AI can assist in this process:

  • Data Collection and Processing: AI can automate the collection of large volumes of web data from various sources, including websites, social media, forums, and more. It can process unstructured data such as text, images, and videos, converting them into structured formats that are easier to analyze.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): NLP techniques enable AI to understand and analyze textual data from web sources. It can extract entities (like names, and locations), sentiments, and topics from articles, comments, reviews, and other text-based content.
  • Sentiment Analysis: AI can determine the sentiment of online content, helping you understand whether the sentiment towards your brand, products, or services is positive, negative, or neutral. This insight can guide your strategies and decisions.
  • Trend and Pattern Recognition: AI algorithms can identify emerging trends and patterns within web data. By analyzing discussions, keywords, and mentions, AI can pinpoint topics that are gaining traction in your industry or among your target audience.
  • Predictive Analytics: AI can use historical web data to make predictions about future trends. For example, it can forecast demand for products, predict stock market movements, or estimate the popularity of certain content.
  • Personalization and Recommendation: AI-powered recommendation systems can suggest products, services, or content to users based on their browsing history, preferences, and behavior. This enhances user experience and increases engagement.
  • Competitor Analysis: AI can help you monitor and analyze your competitors' online activities, including their content, customer interactions, and marketing strategies. This information can provide insights into their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Visual Analysis: AI can process images and videos from the web, extracting information from visuals. This can include recognizing logos, objects, and scenes, and even understanding the context of images shared on social media.
  • Anomaly Detection: AI algorithms can identify anomalies or unusual patterns in web data, such as sudden spikes in traffic or unexpected shifts in user behavior. This helps in detecting potential security breaches or identifying opportunities.
  • Social Media Monitoring: AI can monitor social media platforms to track mentions, hashtags, and conversations related to your brand or industry. This can provide insights into public sentiment and help you engage with your audience more effectively.
  • Data Visualization: AI can create interactive and informative visualizations from your web data, making it easier to understand complex trends and patterns. Visualizations can aid in decision-making and communication.
  • Customer Insights: By analyzing web data, AI can render deep insights into customer behavior, needs, and preferences. This information can guide product development, marketing strategies, and customer service improvements.

In essence, AI can sift through vast amounts of web data quickly and accurately, revealing epiphanies that would be slightly challenging for humans to identify on their own. It helps businesses make data-driven decisions, stay competitive, and capitalize on emerging opportunities.

How to use AI tools and platforms for
web analytics and reporting

AI tools and platforms for web analytics and reporting are software applications that use artificial intelligence to collect, analyze, and visualize data from websites. They can help you understand how your website is performing, who your visitors are, what they are doing on your site, and how you can improve your website's user experience and conversion rate.

There are many AI tools and platforms for web analytics and reporting available in the market, each with its own features and benefits. Some of the best ones are:

  • Databox: Databox is one of the best AI tools for business analytics that lets you connect all of your data in one place, develop and share reports, keep an eye on trends, and find new insights. It combines AI and enhanced analytics to provide insightful performance management capabilities.
  • Windsor.ai: Windsor.ai is an innovative company providing AI-driven marketing data attribution software and an attribution modeling platform. This technology focuses on enhancing the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and increasing return on investment (ROI). Windsor lets you optimize marketing ROI across all channels.
  • Google Cloud: Google Cloud is a popular cloud computing platform that delivers a range of AI and ML services, such as BigQuery, Cloud Vision API, Cloud Natural Language API, Cloud AutoML, and more. These services can help you analyze your web data and generate insights for various purposes, such as sentiment analysis, image recognition, text extraction, etc.
  • Qlik: Qlik is a renowned data analytics platform that enables you to explore and visualize your data in an interactive way. Qlik uses AI to provide smart suggestions, insights, and automation for your data analysis. One can also create custom dashboards and reports with Qlik Sense.
  • Glew: Glew is an ecommerce analytics platform that uses AI to help you optimize your online store's performance. Glew integrates with various ecommerce platforms, such as Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento, etc., and provides you with actionable insights on your products, customers, channels, and more.

To deploy these AI tools and platforms for web analytics and reporting, you need to follow these general steps:

  • Connect your data sources: You need to connect your website data sources to the AI tool or platform of your choice. This can be done by using APIs, plugins, or other methods depending on the tool or platform you are using.
  • Analyze your data: Once you have connected your data sources, you can start analyzing your data using the AI features and functions of the tool or platform. You can explore your data using various filters, dimensions, metrics, charts, etc., and discover patterns, trends, anomalies, correlations, etc.
  • Visualize your data: You can also visualize your data using the tool or platform's dashboarding and reporting capabilities. One can create custom dashboards and reports that show the key performance indicators (KPIs) and insights that matter to you. One can also share their dashboards and reports with others or embed them in other applications.
  • Optimize your website: On the basis of the insights you get from your data analysis and visualization, you can optimize your website's design, content, functionality, marketing strategy, etc., to improve your website's user experience and conversion rate.


On that note, we have successfully reached the last leg of this behemoth journey. We adopted a collaborative, inter-departmental approach to compile this resource and sincerely hope that it will mark the beginning of an era of human-AI amalgamation where the existence of one doesn’t undermine the importance of the other in the years to come. Got bouquets & brickbats to share? Please feel free to get in touch with the team at contact@mavlers.com.